A very Special THANKS to you, Mike, for all your help on these next two pages. And an extra Special THANKS for putting up with all my emails and IM's; you are EXTRA SPECIAL!! :-)

In the original press kit for THAT'S THE WAY IT IS, the film's director, Dennis Sanders, contributes an article entitled "WHAT'S ELVIS ALL ABOUT?".....

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There's a curiosity about Elvis Presley, just as there is concerning Howard Hughes or the Mafia or any entity who avoids the public eye. Having recently created the MGM motion picture titled ELVIS…"That's the Way It Is," and enjoyed a close working relationship with him, I am repeatedly asked by the press and by my friends, what Elvis is all about. What impressed me most, and certainly made my job easier, is that Elvis is an absolute professional of the first order. Perhaps blinded by his image and his income, people think of him as a legend when what he basically is, and has been for over 15 years, is a working musician.

Inside observers are initially surprised that in putting a show together, Elvis is the captain of the ship. From the songs to be performed through the lighting, sound and blending of the sections of the orchestra, Elvis makes all the decisions. When we had to intrude on his time, he always listened to reason. He knows what makes sense and what doesn't. He seems quite good-natured, with a rare sense of humor, but he can get quite uptight when he observes a lack of professionalism or when there is some artistic shortcoming on his part.

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Once on stage, before an audience, the thing that he has as a performer is what Brando had at the height of his powers as an actor. That is, you can never anticipate what he's going to do next. Each of his shows is entirely different. Though he is well prepared, it is instinct that guides him on stage. It is difficult to take your eyes off him. I found it difficult to take the cameras off him and focus on some other aspects of the show.

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Those professional observations don't seem to satisfy those who questions me about Elvis. On a personal level, however, I can't be too enlightening. When I began preparing the movie, it was quite clear that Elvis's personal life was not to concern me. That was fine. I would not do the real Elvis Presley personal story unless I had complete control over the film. Otherwise you're in the same position that William Manchester was when he wrote about the Kennedy family.

Though there is great secrecy concerning Elvis and his family and friends won't talk to outsiders about him, I don't get the feeling there is anything to hide. He seems well adjusted to the necessarily peculiar way of life he leads. He appears to be happily married to a beautiful woman and he is a proud father. He enjoys the fruits of his wealth. His relative isolation has allowed his life to remain uncluttered and I guess he prefers it that way. It was never stated, but I got the impression that my intrusion into his private life would not be welcome.

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We were, however, able to observe and film Elvis and his fans in a variety of atmospheres. We stared with him at MGM rehearsing for his Las Vegas show. Then we filmed his rehearsals in Vegas and one week of shows there at the International Hotel.

Additionally, we took our cameras to Phoenix for the commencement of his first concert tour in thirteen years, plus a fan convention attended by thousands of people in Luxembourg. The way people respond to this man is an important part of "ELVIS." Did you know he has the largest and most dedicated following in the history of show business? When he appears in Las Vegas, the International Hotel must add 30% to its staff just to cope with the traffic that comes from around the world.

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One fan explained the phenomenon this way. She said being an Elvis fan is like being in love. You wake up one morning and that's just the way it is. You don't know why you are a fan, just as you can't explain why you're in love!

As I said, in the way of personal gossip, I can't tell you any more about Elvis's non-working hours than I can about Howard Hughes! I do know though, that more of the real Elvis Presley will be seen in our film than the public has seen before!

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