updated 2006-08-04
定期航班 Major Ferries 街渡,駁艇 Motorboats, Wala Walas
Source of information: their company website
Major Ferries
>本地航班 Local lines>地區航班
Regional lines>政府航班
香港小輪(集團)有限公司 Hong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Co., Ltd.
After closing down major harbour ferry service of Hong Kong and Yaumatei Ferry
Co., Ltd. in January 2000, the company runs limited cruise and vehicle ferry
漫遊維多利亞海港海上食府洋紫荊號 (民輝號 和 民安號)
Harbour Cruise - Bauhinia ('Man Fai' and 'Man On')
汽車渡輪 Car Ferry
(香港油麻地小輪有限公司 Hong Kong and Yaumatei Ferry Co., Ltd.)
Having sold out her license to the New World First Ferry in January 2000, HK
and Yaumatei Ferry ceased her leading Harbour ferry role at age of 75 years.
(a member ofHong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Co., Ltd. )
快速船(攝於轉售前) Hydrofoils before sold out to New World
新世界第一渡輪服務有限公司(新渡輪) New World First Ferry Services Ltd.
Operated since January 2000 in Out Lying Islands and harbour ferries service.
Aquan series新輝(高速雙體船)
New Ferry series新輪(快速雙體船)
香港海龍遊 Hong Kong Dragon Tour (新旅遊32/33號First
Travel No. 32/33)
Started services already on 28th December 1888, she has witnessed the most historic
moments, and remains a senic spot.
天星維港遊 Star Ferry's Harbour Tour
Built for the remote resort Discovery Bay at Lantau Island.
港九小輪有限公司 Hong Kong and Kowloon Ferry Co., Ltd.
Operated since January 2000 in Lamma Island and harbour ferries service.
往返香港仔及南丫島渡輪服務,成立於1985年。, 為索罟灣居民提供,
Provide ferry service between Lamma Island and Aberdeen, founded in 1985.
海航8 (Hoi Hong 8), 東洋(white one)
中華電力有限公司接駁船 China Electricity Co. Ltd Staff Ferry
接駁至香港仔海怡本島 Connects to Ap Lei Chau, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
海線酒家專船 Seafood Ferries
食海線可以免費遊船河 Free searide at Seafood Glamour
Rainbows, 天虹賓客專船Rainbow
No.11, 天虹賓客專船
This seafood restaurant operates a whole fleet of ferries to convey you to their
sea food restaurants in Lamma Island from Central (Queen Pier) and Aberdeen
regularly upon a reservation.
"Jumbo Ferry"
pier, Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter
The Aberdeen Floating Restaurants are famous to the world. You can use (free
of charge) their conveying ships to go from pier at Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter
to enjoy seafood or Dim Sum there.
Jetfoil (Mainland China< -- > Hong Kong)
Jetfoil (Hong Kong < -- > Macao)
Regular ferry conveying officers to Hei Ling Chau Correctional Centre. The Ferry was formerly used by the then-HMS for trips to Ngon Suen Chau before 1997 reunion; used for a while by Marine Department for trips to Government Dockyard at Ngon Suen Chau after 1997.