As I mentioned in my Front
Page my nick name is Shmoo, kindly, (or perhaps not so kindly) given
to me by my Boyfriend Brendan. But i have been told by my dad and
a number of Internet friends that Shmoo is another name for a Female's
'Private' Parts so i went on a web search for a picture of this "shmoo"
character and i found out that it looks like a "little white bowling pin
shaped figure with big eyes and whiskers and a big mouth with cute little
stumpy legs" (or the pictures on this page). I would like
to think that i dont look like this but as Brendan says i am cute and cuddly
and have a little head and big hips so i guess i am stuck with Shmoo for
a while longer *giggles*. I know one
similarity that i have with Shmoo is that i have a squeaky little voice,
shmoo sounds some what like "tickle me Elmo" who you will find on
this page too.
Well the real Shmoo is
the little white character pictured on this page (the bowling pin
shaped one).
is a character from Al Capp's comic, "Li'l Abner". Shmoo was created
in the 40's as a way for Capp to show that there is such thing as too much
of a good thing. You see, with shmoos, no one has to work, and with
no one working, the world would stop. Shmoos provide everything a
human needs. Eggs, milk, cheese, all packaged neatly and labeled
"grade A". They reproduce at the blink of an eye and the best part
is, they need no upkeep. They don't eat! Their only purpose
in life is to satisfy humans. They would even drop dead of happiness
if someone looked at them with a hungry look on their face, ready for cooking.
The shmoos were eventually banished to the "Valley of the Shmoon" where
they couldn't escape because their small legs couldn't climb the valley

The shmoo returned in the 50's when
Li'l Abner's boy found a shmoo in hiding. When Abner returned the
shmoo to the valley, other shmoos escaped on him. Those shmoos then
reproduced and the government declared a national emergency asking citizens
to kill shmoos as a duty to their country. Of course no one could
kill something that was so lovable and adorable and gave you anything you
wanted for free. So Abner's mother sent a picture of Abner's pappy
with a hungry look on his face to Washington where the picture was distributed
around the country and all shmoos dropped dead of happiness when they saw
the picture. That was the end of the shmoo in the Li'l Abner comics.
Some years later, shmoo returned as the New Shmoo in Hanna Barbera cartoons.
But that too never lasted and the shmoo hasn't been heard of since.
Well as you can All see,
Shmoo is an adorable little character, cute, cuddly, kind, sweet, and always
ready to help. He is edged on by good doings and gets hurt by bad
doings. So all in all and in the end, I Love Shmoo and am proud to
be named after this adorable little cartoon character.