These letters came from the book "Elvis: Word for Word." I'd always "heard" Elvis never wrote more than 4 or 5 letters in his entire life, which goes to prove, you can never listen to rumors. I've read several letters he wrote in his lifetime.

The first one is a four page letter handwritten by Elvis in Friedberg, Germany, sent to Anita Wood in Oceanside, New York. The envelope has a November 14 postmark.

My Dearest Little Darling,

I just received your letters and I can judge by the last three that you are a little disappointed. Well I can't blame you, especially since that mess was written about "little puppy" and all that "horse shit." Well I don't know where they got the information but the girl they speak of was a photographers model and she was brought over by some newsman the first week I was here. I have seen her one time since then. She doesn't speak a word of English and I have not been dating her and I did not say all that stuff about seeing her five times and I have not tried to keep anything from you.

You see that was really played up big because the papers figured it was good for German, American relationship. Do you understand? But don't you dare ever mention it to a soul because if you do I am finished in Germany. Just keep it inside of you and regardless of what you read or what obstacles come up in our way, please remember that I am yours my darling, yours, yours, yours, yours, yours. No one will ever take the place of my "Little" [pet name for Anita] in my life. Baby, you will never know how lonesome and miserable I am. I will be so thankful to God when once again I am free, free to return back to singing, making movies, and above all returning to your little arms and lips.

Every night I lay in my bunk, I see your little eyes and your little nose, and it's almost like you are here, like you are pressed up close to me. I can feel your little hair on the side of my face and sometimes I get so excited and want you so bad I start sweating. "WOW". Well so much for that. Listen my Love never doubt my love for you, always trust me and believe me when I say that I love you.

It sure is going to be a blue Christmas this year. But in 15 short months it'll be over and as General [Douglas] MacArthur said, "I shall return". Have a Merry Christmas Darling and rem[em]ber there is a lonely little boy 5,000 miles away that is counting the hours till he returns to your arms. If you get a chance try to locate a record called "Soldier Boy" [by the Four Fellows]. Play it and think of me. By the way our song from now on is "[Please] Love Me Forever" by Tommy Edwards. Every night I play it just for you.

Aways loving and wanting you
Yours alone Darling,
Elvis Presley

P.S. No one ever reads this, o.k.!

The following is a two-page letter handwritten by Elvis in Friedberg, Germany, sent to "M/Sgt. Bill Norwood", in Killeen, Texas. The envelope has a November 28 (1958) postmark.

Dear Sgt. Norwood and Family,

Well I am writing a letter for the first time in years. I received your letter and was glad to hear everything is o.k. I am in a scout platoon and believe me we are on the move alltime [all the time]. We are up at a place called Grafenwohr [Grafenwor]. I'm sure you've heard of it. It's miserable up here and we are here for 6 weeks. The German people are very nice and friendly but there is no place like the good ole U.S.

I am with a good bunch of boys and Sgts., although I would have given anything to stay at Ft. Hood [Texas] with you guys. I talk to Anita [Wood] every so often, and she writes me all the time. I sure miss her along with 50 million others. Ha.

Boy I'll tell you something. I will be so thankful when my time is up. I can hardly wait to get back home and entertain folks and make movies and everything. Well it will come someday soon. All of us were separated over here. [William R.] Norvell and [Donald R. "Rex"] Mansfield are in other companies, but there is a lot of good boys in this outfit. Well tell Olley [Mrs. Norwood] and the kids hello for me. Also tell Sgt Wallace and Lt. [Melvin E.] Meister hello for me and if I get a chance I will write to them. Tell Sgt. Wallace to write me sometime so I will know where to write him. Well when it's over we will get together again and it'll be like old times. Well I have to go now so you all take care and write again.

Your friend,
PFC Elvis Presley

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