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                       *How Thinks Are*

                Light a fire, throw me in

         Watch it burn right through my skin

                 All alone, a broken heart

              For everyday we stand apart

                Grab a knife, stab my soul

          For now my mind has lost control

              Lost and mad, crying within

            Messin with love, I jus dont win

              Broken into, only one world

          No longer the one he calls his girl

               Slice my wrist, cut it deep

               Lock it in my soul to keep

             My heart was free, set to soar

             But then u left and shut the door

              So dig my hole, dig it deep

             Maybe now Ill get sum sleep

              You were my angel from above

          And now u made me die for love

             By: Chenae Lynn Parsons : )


                 *Died for Love*
              I sit in the park where I dwell,
                For this boy I love so well.
           He took my heart away from me,
              Now he wants to set me free.
                   I see a girl on his lap,
     He says things to her he never said to me.
            I ran home to cry on my bed,
           Not a word to mother was said.
         Father came home late that night,
         He looked at me from left to right.
          He saw me hanging from a rope,
         He took his knife to cut me down.
         And on my dress a note was found:
              Dig my grave, Dig it deep.
         Dig my grave, From head to feet.
           And on the top place a dove.
        And remember this, I died for love...
I'm swimming all alone in a pool of darkness
and I feel like darkness is slowly pulling me under
I yell for help but no one is there to hear it
I begin to see the water at eye level
and I kick and flail
fighting to stay above the darkness
But the darkness won't let go of its hold on me
and I slowly begin to give in
to the feeling that lies below the water line
the waters starts to fill my lungs
the lungs that once held so much life
yet now they allow the murky water to replace that
I know that this path doesn't lead to happiness
But why doesn't someone grab my hand
pull me from darkness's grasp?
because no one knows I stand at the boundary
the boundary between light and dark
so I give in to the thing that holds me
All of the strength and all of the courage
that I once held in my heart
can't save me from the water
So I slowly slip below the world of conscientiousness
undetected by the occupants of that world
I don't want to fight anymore
I've given into darkness
*Set Free* 

My World is spinning
not sure which way to turn
not sure what to do
the gun lays there
so still and quiet
sitting here thinking
how life has done me wrong
wondering why
I hate life so much
will I pull that trigger
I too will leave this world
leave this world of hate
there is nothing left here for me

I pick the gun up
I feel my hand shaking
I hear my heart beating
I point the gun
towards my chest
for people will now know
a true broken heart
when you were taken from me
my world was flip turned upside down
I think everyday
there had to have been something I could say
replaying our last conversation
over and over in my mind

have I committed a crime
could I have done something
these are questions that will go unanswered
your life has ended
now it's my turn

with a knock at the door
so many things running through my mind
my fingers shaking
as the door opens
the trigger is pulled
laying on the floor
with your eyes above me
I see the wings
now my heart
truly has been
"Set Free"


*All For You*
cant you hear me calling out?
its your fault im trying to break free
i try, but i fail
because of you i hate reality.
as i stand here covered in blood
im pretty sure im almost dead
just a little bit deeper now
this should be you instead.
blood still surounds me.
as i fall to the ground
this pain is starting to feel good
noone understands the pain ive found.
noone can save me now
all i wanted was for this all to go away
but it didnt, it just got worse
and i took it everyday.
but everything is over for me now
i know you dont mind
i know your not gonna cry
when i leave my body behind.
By: Robyn . S . Hedderson




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