The United Pro Choice Smokers Rights Newsletter

Issue # 33: 09/17/99 Brought to you by:

The Smoker's Club, Inc.

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In this issue:
1. Business Sees Threat in Government Suits
2. Limit Government Litigation
3. California Antismoking Initiative Lags
4. Attention Canada
5. Tobacco Research Shows Promise For Hemophiliacs
6. The Libertarian Party
7. Tobacco Reporter Magazine
8. We Are Everyday People
9. Official Federal Government Web Sites
10. Clinton's Power Grab Through Executive Orders

1. Business Sees Threat in Government Suits: The Salt Lake Tribune. If the trend is not stopped, no business or industry will be safe, they say. Gun companies appear to be the next target. Who knows what industries are on the list after them?

2. Limit Government Litigation: The Salt Lake Tribune. Businesses have a right to be concerned about government lawsuits against various industries. Such litigation, they correctly reason, represents both a dangerous and destabilizing trend, and provides government an unfair advantage.

3. California Antismoking Initiative Lags: HealthCentral. California's antismoking initiative, which was successful for the first few years after its 1989 launch, has lost its momentum, according to a study in the September 9th issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.

4. Attention Canada: Forces International: Canada Page and Forces Canada. The criminal government of British Columbia, Canada, and specifically the government of the Capital Regional District, is proceeding to crush those who are defending the Right of Choice against the oppression of the state in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

5. Tobacco Research Shows Promise For Hemophiliacs: The Oregonian. Researchers at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Wash., have genetically engineered a tobacco plant to produce proteins that are found in human blood.

6. The Libertarian Party: Affiliate Party Conventions. Check for conventions in your area. Also: Affiliate Sites. Sites that are affiliated or have a close alliance with the Marin Libertarian Party.

7. Tobacco Reporter Magazine: TRM. International articles and information about the tobacco industry.

8. We Are Everyday People:
*** Families Sue Pesticide Maker, Saying Malathion Caused Health Problems: HealthCentral. At least 100,000 people who claim they suffered health problems because of exposure to the pesticide malathion are part of a lawsuit against the substance's manufacturer.
Then Notice:
New York To Step Up Spraying To Combat Encephalitis: HealthCentral. Officials said that the CDC had recommended that the entire city be sprayed with the pesticide malathion, which they say is not harmful to people, pets or vegetables.
La. Warned About Encephalitis: InfoBeat. The outbreak has killed dozens of horses and emus in Louisiana, and officials are trying to contain the disease by spraying pesticides by plane.

*** Should Spanking Be Outlawed? ThirdAge. A lower court says Cobble's form of discipline amounts to abuse. He spanked his son with a soft leather belt when the boy was 9 years old, authorities say. …Cobble faces the risk of losing custody of his son, who is now 12.
*** B-Vitamin Deficiency May Increase Women's Stroke Risk: InteliHealth. When researchers took into account other factors known to affect stroke risk, including cigarette smoking and socioeconomic status, women with highest blood levels of homocysteine were still 60% more likely to suffer a stroke than women with the lowest levels, the study showed.
*** Dressed To The Nines For Her 99th: Montreal Gazette. …she admitted to sneaking one or two in the lobby. "I smoke when my son gives me one," she said. "It feels good."
*** Airports vs. Smokers: Airports are making persona non gratas out of smokers. Not that the Occidental Tourist is shedding a tear. Hell, he's lifting a glass of merlot to their memory in the lounge. Drinking, of course, is still perfectly fine while waiting for a flight.
*** Shop Owner Says He Was Targeted: Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Legally blind man cited for selling tobacco to minor. With cigarette sales making up about a quarter of his profit, "losing his license would be the kiss of death," Smyth said.

9. Official Federal Government Web Sites: Library of Congress. Bookmark this one… every Federal web site is just a click away, some you've never heard of.

10. Clinton's Power Grab Through Executive Orders: Left, Right and Center. Faced with a Republican Congress unwilling to grant him all the powers he wants, Bill Clinton has unleashed a blizzard of Executive Orders to grab new authority for the executive branch, make broad public policy changes, and even restructure our governmental system.

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