Smoking bans force you to hang a sign and tell your patrons there is no smoking.
They DO NOT force you to enforce the law.
NY is doing it and so can you!
Florida Judge Agrees!
Administrative Judge Michael Parrish notes that there is no legal requirement for a bar owner to take ''specific action'' when someone is smoking in the bar.
Please note: This makes all smoking bans illegal unless your State or town wants to train you, supply liability insurance, sign you on as police AND make it a law that anyone they want must be forced into police duty. Your 16 year old son washing dishes in a restaurant would have to go to the police academy because he may have to uphold the smoking ban law. Remove these un-enforceable laws from your books NOW to avoid law suits. Every worker has the right to sue you when hurt, your ban opens you up for liability.
Please print out the Ban Damage Page (Deaths, Injuries, Rape, and more) and the Ban Loss Database (Money and business lost due to bans) and bring them to your politicians. Tell them ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! This failed experiment in human behavior is killing people and it has to stop now. Death certificates from "smoking" are zero, while death certificates from smoking bans and making a legal product un-politically correct are rising.

His name is James Blake Miller,
God Bless him.
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Book Review
I just finished reading Michael McFadden's book titled "Dissecting Antismokers' Brains" and it is a must read!!
Michael does a superb job in explaining the outrageous motivations of the Anti Smoking movement. The general public needs to be made aware of the outright 'lies' being feed to us by the Anti's and the politicians. I urge you to read it and tell everyone else you know to do so also.
Whether you are a smoker or not, you should have a very real concern about the Anti-smoking
Crusaders and Big Pharmaceutical Companies politics to trample on our freedoms!
You can order Michael's outstanding book by going to:

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