Thank you and forgive



"Thank you, God , for the gift of my sense of humor.  

Forgive me for using it to laugh at other people."  




 "Thank you for my colorful imagination.  

Forgive me for using it sometimes 

to escape from reality into daydreams."



 "Thank you for my intellect which is filled with talent.  

But forgive me for thinking that it makes me better than other people."



 "Thank you for my free will, 

but forgive me for not making my own decisions the way I should."



 "Thank you, God, 

for the time and the possessions that you have given to me.  

Forgive me for using them sometimes as weapons of selfishness."



 "Thank you for giving me happiness and peace, 

but forgive me for not sharing it with others."



 "Thank you for the sunrise.  

Forgive me for not consecrating my day to you with it."



 "Thank you for the sunset. 

  Forgive me for not thanking you for the extra years of my life."



 "Thank you for the flowers and the mushrooms, 

for the butterflies and the spiders.  

Forgive me for forgetting to praise you 

by not taking delight in your creation."  



 "Thank you for my self-confidence and contentment.  

Forgive me for letting them sour sometimes into self-pity."  



 "Thank you for all the friends who make my life worth living.  

But forgive me, God, 

for using them for my own advantage in so many ways."  



 "Thank you, God, for giving me your life on earth.  

Forgive me for not giving you my life in return."


 "True faith is not just believing that GOD can... 

it is trusting that HE will."  


  "No longer shall the sun go down on you again... 

for the LORD will be your light forever."



  "God sometimes put us in the dark 

to prove to us that He is light."



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