~*Rammsteen: A Goofy Rammstein Site*~

Kittin's Rammstein Art Gallery | Silly Gallery 1 | Silly Gallery 2 | Silly Gallery 3 | Silly Gallery 4 | Silly Gallery 5 | Silly Gallery 6 | FanFiction | Fluffy Bunny Shrine! | The Olli Awareness Foundation | Rammstein Icons | LINKS 234!!!! | About ME!


WELCOME To Rammsteen: A Goofy Rammstein Site - Like the title says this is a Rammstein site that is funny and goofy...Yes, I am a Rammstein fan and No I dont make fun of them just to be mean..So please just enjoy the site and have FUN!

Webmistress - ~*Sonne Engel*~

1/13/02 - NEW page! - Well its been a REALLY long time since i updated this -_- but i finally got a new page up, my friend Kittin Drew some pictures Rammstein so there up in Kittin's Rammstein Art Gallery if you would like to view them ^_^

I love Rammstein


I love Rammstein

I love Rammstein

I love Rammstein

I love Rammstein

I love Rammstein

If you dont know who Rammstein are let me tell you :)Rammstein is a Heavy Metal German band and these are the members from left to right:

Oliver Riedel - Bass
Christian "Flake" Lorenz - Keyboards
Christoph "Doom" Schneider - Drums
Till Lindermann - Vocals
Richard Kruspe - Lead Guitar
Paul Landers - Guitar

And they are the 6 wonderful men that make up Rammstein


Whats on this Site?

Silly Galleries - Pictures I made making fun of Rammstein
FanFiction - Funny stories people send in or I come up with
Fluffy Bunny Shrine - A page dedicated to Richard's Fluffy Bunny =)
Links234!! - Links to my favorite Rammstein sites
About me - Stupid info about Me
OAF - Olli Awareness Foundation
Rammstein Icons - Icons
More to come...........OoOoOoO!!