

The Violet Richardson Award

The Violet Richardson Award recognizes and honors young women between the ages of 14 and 17 who make the community and world a better place through volunteer efforts such as: fighting drugs, crime and violence; cleaning up the environment; and working to end discrimination and poverty. Volunteer actions that benefit women or girls are of particular interest.

 For an application or more information about the Violet Richardson Award contact: Joyce Burger(717)545-6222.

Applications are due December 1, 2006.

The Women's Opportunity Award

The Women's Opportunity Awards, Soroptimist's major service project, was established by Soroptimist International of the Americas in 1972 to assist women entering or re-entering the workforce in obtaining the education and skills training they need to improve their employment status. Women's Opportunity Awards are designed to give women heads of household, who provide the primary source of financial support for their families, the opportunity to achieve their career goals—an opportunity they have not previously had, whether because of economic or social barriers, or personal circumstances. These awards are for women who are attending, or have been accepted to, a vocational/skills training program, or an undergraduate degree program.

Women's Opportunity Awards are cash awards that recipients may use for any expenses related to their educational pursuits. These include tuition and books, housing, child care and transportation. These awards are not scholarships. The program begins at the community level, where award amounts vary. Local winners then become eligible to receive region–level awards. Every year, 29 geographic regions throughout North, Central and South America, and Asia each grant one $5,000 first–place award, and two $3,000 awards. These 29 first–place winners become eligible to receive one of three $10,000 finalist awards.

Eligible applicants must be female heads of household, who are enrolled in or have been accepted to a vocational/skills training program, or an undergraduate degree program. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, and cannot have already earned an undergraduate degree.

 For an application or more information about The Women's Opportunity Award contact: Ella Rothenberger, (717) 545-7836.

Applications are due December 15, 2006.

Making a Difference for Women

The "Making a Difference for Women" recognition program was established in 1986 to acknowledge those who work to improve the status of women in society. The Making a Difference for Women umbrella now includes three official programs:

Women Helping Women: honors women who consistently and effectively use their resources, talents and influence to help other women achieve their potential. As a result, these women have helped to eliminate economic, legal and social or political discrimination against women, and have contributed to the improvement of women's status in society.

Women of Distinction: honors women who have made outstanding achievements in their professional, business or volunteer activities. Women of distinction are ideal role models, having demonstrated exemplary character and integrity along with outstanding ability and demonstrated leadership.

Advancing the Status of Women: recognizes businesses and organizations that have helped advance the status of women, and have used their positions to promote recognition of women's issues. Examples of ways honorees have achieved these goals include: employment policies; scholarships and grants in support of women's advocacy; initiation of programs dealing with women's issues; and financial support of Soroptimist programs.

The Harrisburg Club awards its "Making a Difference for Women" awards at its annual awards banquet in April.


This site was last updated 02/22/07