

Deadline for application for the Teen Volunteer (Violet Richardson) Award is December 1, 2006Contact Joyce Burger (717) 545-6222 for details.

Deadline for application for the Women's Opportunity Award is December 1, 2006Contact Ella Rothenberger, (717) 545-7836 for more details.

Meeting Dates for 2006-2007

Soroptimist International of Harrisburg meets the fourth Tuesday of the month from September through June at the Holiday Inn East.  Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. with the speaker and business meeting immediately following.  Why not join us this month. 

September 26, 2006

 Business meeting only

October 24, 2006

Kate Conard "Founders Day"

November 28, 2006

Leigh Hurst, "Feel Your Boobies"

December 12, 2006

Holiday Program

January 23, 2007

Betty Hungerford, Homeland Center

February 27, 2007

Ruth Koup, "Dress for Success"

March 27, 2007

Ruthann Hubbard Kemper, Capitol Restoration Committee

April 24, 2007

Awards Program

May 22, 2007


June 26, 2007

Installation of Officers

 Date to be announced

 Summer Social





This site was last updated 02/22/07