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Home History of Space Travel Dangers of Space Travel The Columbia Tragedy S'pore's Furture in Space More About Our Group Feedback

History of Space Travel
Dangers of Space Travel
The Columbia Tragedy
S'pore's Furture in Space
More About Our Group

Website Designed and Constructed by: Jason Loon
Information Provided by: Lim Yiyan
Website Planned By: Melvin Seah
Email: pls email us your feedback)
Last Update: 29 may 2003


On 1st February, 2003, the US space shuttle, Columbia, broke apart over Texas on its return flight. It was the greatest space tragedy to date, after the explosion of the Challenger. After the unfortunate incident, NASA immediately took steps to ensure the safety of its remaining space programs. Most countries did likewise. However, China said that it will push its space program harder. Whatever the reaction, the incident has obviously affected the space industry seriously. Also, we will also study space travel in Singapore, particularly, the feasibility of a space program in Singapore. We will take into consideration the risks involved, the financial factors and the technological requirements.


At the end of our project, we hope to find out some possible reasons of the Columbia crash. We will also research on the direct impact of the incident on the space industry as a whole. We will also concentrate on the feasibility of a space program in Singapore.


Our compiled information will be presented on a website. The website will be interactive and will have cool sounds graphics and animations. We will also be conducting surveys and interviews to gather opinions, particularly the impact of the Columbia crash and the feasibility of setting up a space program in Singapore. For the survey, we will be asking questions mainly on the feasibility of setting up a space program in Singapore, while our interview will focus more on the impact of the Columbia crash on the space industry.


Our main reason for choosing this topic is of course the Columbia crash. It gave us interest in space travel, its dangers and its history. We decided to put our interest to practical use by studying the impact of the crash and space travel in Singapore. Also, this topic is multi-disciplinary in nature. The technology of space travel is scientific in nature. The Columbia itself requires research on History to find out probable causes of the crash. Computer Science is needed in the creation, maintenance and upkeep of our website. Therefore, this topic is chosen because of our interest, and because it is multi-disciplinary.