No Tolerance
My Opinion / My View on No Tolerance!


Over the last weeks, I have heard the saying, "No Tolerance", from a dear friend of mine. She is going through EXTREME Hell with the Middle School. I am being mild about this. It's made me stop and think exactly what the school sees as non-tolerant, and what I see as non-tolerant. I would like to share my feelings with you on this matter.
Over the last months, I have been a witness as to how far our school district will go to prove a point & get rid of a child they do not want. I am ashamed to even have graduated from this school and what it stands for. Disgust cannot even begin to explain my feelings.
Watching a friend get dragged through hell and back because she stood up to the school and told them her child had rights, has been quite an experience. Talking with the mother of a child who committed suicide in our district was very unnerving & quite an eye-opener.
Talking with other parents about their struggles with our school, witnessing lies, trickery, and watching the school try to rip a child from his mother, has made me sick.
Where did the A-R that I know go? I do not blame the teachers that devote their time to educating & being role models for our students. There are many good teachers in Apollo-Ridge. I do, however, blame the administration, some teachers, and school board for trying to turn our school into a scum hole. I blame them for embarrassing the educational system.
I sit back and watch my friend be dragged through court, because her son took pills to school. Yes, I understand that it was wrong, but I have looked over the whole situation. This boy has a problem that the school has been aware of for years, and has refused to help the mother after REPEATED REQUESTS from her concerning her child's NEEDS & RIGHTS. ALTHOUGH this child has FEDERAL RIGHTS, and the school received FEDERAL MONEY for his right to an education, they use the money for themselves.
I have seen my friend blackmailed as to drop due process or there were pending charges that would be pushed against her child. Also, her child's need for an IEP is being used as a bargaining tool, as to whether he gets one or not--depending if she BACKS OFF from the school. Now who do you suppose is threatening her?
These are people who are responsible for our children. These same people walk amongst our children & profess to care for them or Labor in Love for them.
These people say they have a "No Tolerance" policy on drugs in the school. Well, I have a personal opinion of that No Tolerance! If this child is taking this medicine to "BE GOOD" so that the school will not hurt his mom anymore, and the principal tells his mom in front of me that they are not pushing charges---Why then were charges pushed? Was it because she was pushing due process, and the school was mad at her for exposing them? What is the school's reasoning for using tax dollars to "ALL OF A SUDDEN" train teachers & administration about this child's needs a few weeks & days before school lets out? What was the true purpose of that? This is the boy's last days of middle school. These same teachers & administration were BEING PAID to sit in on these meetings when they were not going to deal with this child again! Why did they not do this at the beginning of the year, rather than wait until it LOOKED like they were finally doing something when the law came into it? Does this make sense????
Why did they waste tax dollars for this? There were quite a few people in this meeting---EVEN MR. Vranasevic, the NOW CURRENT superintendant---SUPPORTING the tax dollars being wasted!!!!! Why did the principal, guidance counselor, and superintendant NOT want the SCHOOL BOARD to be involved? Was it too close to ELECTIONS??? Do they take us parents for stupid?
They say "No Tolerance" on drugs, but WHAT ABOUT ALCOHOL? I've heard that the Middle School/ High School Band Director went to districts this same year and got SMASHED while there! THAT'S RIGHT---SMASHED!!! The last time that I recalled, there was a "NO TOLERANCE" of alcohol!!!!! .....or did the school forget that.
If this child is to be punished for trying to BE GOOD, then why is a teacher NOT BEING reprimanded for being SMASHED at the districts where he held our children's lives in his hands & was representing our school?
Now didn't that look good on Our School---having it represented by someone having a booze party-staggering all over the place? hmmmmmm.....
My feelings on this are: If you are going to punish a student because of a disability, you better punish a teacher for being drunk!
You see, We have quite alot that goes on unreprimanded at the Middle School AND High School.
These things are ALLOWED---AND the school board allows it! Children are being served subpoena's without parents, questioned by parole officers and police officers WITHOUT parents or their KNOWLEDGE. Who is supporting this. IS it possible that the school is making rules as it goes?
Our tolerance of things are getting warped in this school. You see, it is o.k. to sleep with students, hit students, push students, push a suicidal student over the edge, get drunk, refuse health care, announce a child's name over a speaker several times a day, make house visits to homes where you should not be in the first place, call homes at 7AM in the morning--laughing, blackmail, threatening, harassing, wasting tax dollars, push a parent to HAVE TO FILE DUE PROCESS--that will cost the tax payers approximately $26,000, because the school is breaking law, etc......
You see, it's o.k. for a high school principal to withhold a tutor from a child, harass, stalk, abuse, and the superintendant & school board support this corrupt behavior that they have grown so much to love. Is this the Labor of Love I have heard of?
Then when it comes to light about their morals, behavior, etc, they have the nerve to cry over hurt feelings. We also have those who choose to re-enter into the school district so it can be more corrupt, some who run away with retirement, and some who hide under their desk.
I have pulled my daughter from the school, as it sickens me to ever see her in that school again.
We, as parents, need to WAKE UP as to what is going on in this district. We need to reward the good teachers, and get rid of the bad. We need to let the school know we will NOT TOLERATE their bad behaviors.
If tax dollars are going toward paying salaries, then we need to see how it is used, and make sure that ALL children are being treated FAIRLY.
Let's say "STOP IT" to the administration, rather than them saying "SHUT UP" to a disabled student.
We do not have to give up on our school---we just need to oust the garbage that has cluttered it!

Disclaimer: These comments are my opinion and views.
I do not claim to speak for anyone or ask anyone to believe what is written.

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