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Das ist mich!  Das ist mich!  Das ist mich!

Well let's see...meine name ist Lisa...I live in good ol' Iowa...I'll be 18 on September 25th...and this year I'll be a senior in high school.

Yellow Growing Musical Note

I love show choir!!  It's like my favorite thing to do.  Ask anyone I know and they'll tell you I love love love to sing.  (It's definitely my passion).


I also love to play softball.  I broke my ankle playing this spring, and I just got my cast off. (Thank goodness!)  My favorite position to play is first base, and sliding was my favorite part...except that's how I broke my ankle so now...it's still my favorite. 

Here, this might be easier...let's play "225 Questions"!!  (You're gonna love this!)

1) What is your first name: Lisa

2) Middle name: Marie

3) Last name: ******

4) Nicknames: LisaBob (lotsa peeps), JoeBob (lostsa mo' peeps), Elmo (even mo' peeps), Little Fishy (Nick and some play people), La la la (some mo' play people and anyone who sees me wearing my sweatshirt), Hey Stupid (Usually Kat), Shorty (Eli), Trouble Posse #1 (Fellow Trouble Posse Members), Peaches (Dad), Bob'r (Dane), Baby C (Some Bible study Members...we're all Baby C's!), Maria (Mom and sis), Lis (People who are too lazy to say the rest of my name)...there's more, but I'm done.

5) Age: 17

6) Gender: Take a guess...chances are good you'll be right

7) Birthday: Sept. 25, 1984

8) Where are you right now: My house

9) Where do you live: Again, My house

10) Do you have a boy/girlfriend: Nada

11) If so what's her/his name: Stud Muffin

12) Have you ever been in love: Nope

13) Who are/were your crushes: That's for me to know and for you
to...not know

14) Do u have any piercings: Yeah, ever seen my ears?

15) If so what do you have pierced: 4 holes in my right ear, 5 in my left.

16) Do you have a tattoo or want one: No. I want one, but won't
be getting one.

17) If so what kind and where: It would be neat to have a little cross/christian fish/heart design I made up on my ankle.

18) Where do you shop at the most: The store...that's what I call it anyways...

19) What color is your hair: Strawberry blonde

20) What color are your eyes: Green

21) How tall are you: 5'5"

22) Do you drink: Natures Soft Drink

23) Do you smoke: Nope

24) Do your friends drink or smoke: A few of them, unfortionately.

25) Who are your closest friends: Kat & Katie

26) Who are your friends: Oh man...you know who you are. 

27) Who are your best friends online? Same as off-line.

28) Do you like Bath and Body Works? Sure...except for a certain evil teacher works there...I mean...oops!

29) Kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use:I don't really wash my hair...is that a bad thing?  (Aussie Shampoo and Cond.)

30) Is your hair short or long: Sehr Long

31) Do you like to shop: Not really...maybe sometimes if I'm in the mood...

32) What sports do you play? Softball.  Oh!  And...showchoir's sport...right?...right guys?

33) How do you eat ice cream: With my mouth.

34) How do you eat the cone part of an ice cream cone: Again, with my mouth...

35) What place do you go for fun: Oh the J-Lodge.  It's the best...but when that's not available...and it usually isn't...Youth Group, or a friends house, or wherever my friends are.

36) What do you do for fun: Sing, Dance, Talk, Hang with Friends, type or email...life is fun.

37) How many phones do you have in your house: I have no clue.

38) How many TV's do you have in your house: 2,389

39) What's your favorite foods: Food is good...

40) Do you look like anyone famous: Me? Well yeah, people are always coming up to me telling me I could be Julia Roberts twin sis...GET OUT OF THE CAR!!!  You must be joking!

41) Do you think Ricky Martin is muy guapo: Muy stupido?

42) Who are the most attractive people you know: People who are full of joy and are living their lives for God.

43) Are you a virgin: Well........Of course!

44) Do you wish to be like your parents: Yes and no

45) What kind of computer are you using: The kind sitting in front of me...I don't know!...Compaq?

46) What are you listening to right now: The TV...my mom's watching some debate show only it's a commercial for some Tony Bennett cd's, so I'm listening to him sing.

47) What's your favorite band right now: Engetti (Is that how it's spelled?! Oh well, doesn't matter cuz I was just kidding )  Actually I don't really know, I love music, and have tons of favorite songs, but not really any favorite bands.

48) How many hours per day do you spend talking on the phone: Usually zippo

49) Do you have your own phone line: nope

50) Have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex: who else would I kiss?! Yes I have

51) What are your favorite shoes: Emily's "bowling" shoes...

52) What kind of clothes do you sleep in, if any: People wear clothes to bed?  I usually wear pajama's...actually I wear an old t-shirt and guys underwear...er, boxers.  Or pajama pants...not that anyone really cares!

53) What's your favorite soda)? Soda? Oh.....you mean pop! I like root beer cuz it reminds me of SEMP!  Or Coca Cola or Mt. Dew works too.  I don't drink pop all that much, natures soft drink (aka Water) is much better.

55) What things do you say a lot: Well I pretty much just talk a lot in general.  It's kinda fun.  But sometimes I say things like spiffy or coolness a lil more than I mean too.

56) Who is the coolest person in the world: Me!

57) Do you think you're weird or funny: Oh definitely weird  And every once in awhile my weirdness causes me to accidentally be funny

58) Who was the last person you called: I have no idea...I don't use the phone...I think it might have been Amanda on Thursday

59) Where do you wanna get married: Well...I was thinking I would get married at my wedding...but I dunno, if anyone has any better idea's, I'm open to suggestions...

60) Where do you want to honeymoon?  Brunnen Switzerland.  Definitely.  The most beautiful place I have ever been.

61) Who is the most talkative person you know: Well apart from me...maybe Kat, or Katie, when we get together...

62) What are your favorite girl names: Oh well...let's see here...Abigail (Abi), Alexia (Lexy), Alice, Alicia, Alyson (Aly), Alyssa, Amy, Anna, Ashly(nd), Berkley, Brandy, Caitlin, Carly, Celeste, Chelsea, Crystal, Elisabeth, Emilia (Emmie), Emily, Evee, Felicity, Grace, Hadley, Hilary, Janine, Jazlynn, Julianna, Kate, Kayley, Kyla, Kylee, Mae, Marie, Michaela, Michelle, Monica, Megan, Nicole, Nina, Paige, Paulina, Phoebe, Rachel, Valerie (Val), Wendy, Zoe...at least those are a few...what can I say?!  I love names!

63) What are your favorite guy names: Here we go again...Aaron, Adam, Andrew, Blake, Brandon, Brecken, Brendan, Brett, Brian, Caleb, Chanler, Chase, Daniel (Dan), David, Dean, Eli, Elijah, Elliott, Emerson (Emer), Eric, Gabriel (Gabe), Geoffery (G-off), Grant, Hadley, Hadyn, James, Jesse, Joey, Joel, John, Jordan, Jonathan, Joshua (Josh), Keith, Kyle, Lexy, Luke, Marcus, Marshall, Matthew (Matt), Michael (Mike), Nicholas (Nick), Nile, Patrick, Paul, Peter (Pete), Richard (Rich), Ryan, Scott, Seth, Timothy (Tim), Tristan, Tyler, Wesley (Wes)...Like I said, I love names

64) What's your worst memory in the past 5 years: Hmm...probably losing one of my best friends and not knowing why...then thinking I had them back and a week later, losing them again...that hurt a lot.

65) What's your favorite childhood memory: Well there was this shopping cart...(If you wanna know more, ask me about it, and I can promise you a hilarious story )  I have a lot I guess...um, another one is probably any time I spent at my aunt and uncles house as a kid.  It was awesome, they lived on a lake, and we would go out on their boat, or sit on the dock, or hang in their house.  Their house was beautiful.  It was always fun to go there.

66) What is your favorite fast food place: Subway

67) What do you really hate: Losing friends without an explanation...not knowing what I want to "be when I grow up" or where I want to go to college...smoking...Oh, then there's that whole German language thing...

68) Do you have any brothers and sisters: Yuppers, Laura, Tony, and Drew

69) If so, age: 15, 12, and 9

70) Do you have a pool: One of those little kiddie one's but I don't really use it any more...

71) Do you have a spa: No

72) Are you stupid: Oh I can be, when I really want to be!

73) What are you addicted to: God

74) Do you like jewelry: Sure...I feel naked with out my earings in and my rings on...

75) Who do you wish you were: The real JoeBob...I dunno, I kinda like being me, most of the time...

76) Who has it easier, boys or girls: Ooh...tough one...I think child-bearing beats all.  I wouldn't know though.

77) Would you rather be short or tall: Well I am short so...I guess I can live with it.

78) Do you like to dance: Lol, only when it's choreographed...otherwise...lol...

79) Do you like playing pranks on people: Well yes...until Megan G******** decides to screw things up by making the Medds flush the toilet and having Mr. D make us pick up the ice...Yay All State!  Lol

80) What's your least favorite subject in school: School?  Oh, well I stopped going there a long time ago...didn't think it was worth my time...No actually, probably German (but I don't have to take that this year!!), or Gov't, or...

81) What's your favorite subject in school: Choir, Pre-Calc was fun third tri...Early Bird PE is the best!  Except for it's so darn early...Oh, and Chem can be fun sometimes.

82) What time is it: Night Time

83) What college do you wanna go to: I really have no clue.  Probably University of Nebraska if I go into music...otherwise University of Iowa...I'm not really sure.

84) What school do you go to now: Good ol' West High

85) Do you have a Playstation or Nintendo 64: Play Station.  My brothers just bought it.  It's really dumb.  They have this skateboarding game...I hate it.

86) If so, what are your favorite Playstation or Nintendo 64 games: Like I said...I hate it.

87) Do you sleep a lot: What a dumb question!  The question should be...Do I sleep ever?  The answer is...barely.

88) Whats your favorite radio stations: 102.9, 104.5, 96.1, 99.7, 98.9...I like music remember?

89) Are you a night person: Oh yes.

90) Are you a morning person: Oh no.

91) Whats your favorite TV show: Trading Spaces, or The Mole -which isn't on anymore, or an Atlanta Braves game.

92) Do you shave: Who doesn't?  Oh, Europeans...forgot...sorry.

93) Shave What: What do you think?!  Honestly...

94) Do you get along with your parents: Usually.

95) What room do you spend the most time in: My bedroom or the Family room.

96) How many rooms does your house have: 14

97) What do you wanna be when your out of school: Um...Alive?

98) Do you curse a lot: Nope, try not to ever.

99) Are you ticklish: Let me think...Jamie, Eli, Dane, Ben, Kyle O?  Would any of you like to answer that one?  Lol.  Yes, I'm ticklish.

100) Ticklish Where: Pretty much everywhere.  But my sides usually give the "best" reaction.

101) What are you wearing right now: Clothes.

102) Do you go to church: I love my church.

103) Do you believe in God: Yup yup!

104) Do you like to watch The olympics: Not really...Ice skating I guess.

105) Do you believe in love at first sight: No.

106) What color tooth brush do you use: Red.

107) How many times a day do you brush your teeth: 2

108) Who is your favorite cartoon character: hmm....I dunno, maybe Marvin Marsian...

109) Do you have a job: Yeah...sorta  I hate Hy Vee.

110) Where would you like to work: Anywhere but Hy Vee!

111) What's your favorite candy: Jujubees!  Or Snickers...if I'm in the mood for chocolate...I hate chocolate...most of the time.

112) What was the best day of your life so far: Um...Some day in the middle of winter...when I was in 3rd grade.  (The day I became a Christian)

113) Are you momma's little angel: Well...I'm a momma's girl but angel...it's questionable...

114) Do you wear body spray: Yeah, the Bath & Bodyworks or Victoria's Secret - Love Spell (my fav!)

115) Who is the sweetest girl: Probably me...

116) Who is the sweetest guy: Hmm...TBA

117) Are you wearing nail polish now: On my toes!

118) If so: It's purple

119) How many rings or necklaces do you own: I dunno...a lot, but I usually only wear my purity ring, my ring from the crystal factory in Austria, and my cross necklace or the heart necklace I got from Italy.

120) Do you wear a watch: I'm lost without it.

121) Did/Do you have braces: Nope, never.  Lucky me!

122) What does your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend look like: Not look like, but are a good Christian guy, with morals and discipline to keep them.  Caring, and concerned, about others, specifically me.  Not too clingy and can make his own decisions.  Serious but also has a sense of humor and can make me laugh.  Mature enough to be responsible.  I could go on, but I won't.

123) How do they act: See above.

124) Where is your dream date: Don't know

125) Do you like to call or be called: Be called, but only if they have something to say.

126) How many kids do you want: Don't know

127) Are you tired: Always.  At least lately.

128) Why: ...why do you think?

129) Do you have freckles: Yeah

130) What are you thinking right now: ...I'm so tired...I think I'm getting a cold...that sucks...I can't believe schools almost starting...I can't believe summer's almost over...I can't believe I'm gonna be a senior...I don't really wanna be a senior...that means its my last year to see all of my friends...oh sad...well I'll make it fun...I'm almost 18...wow, 18...coolbeans...I wonder I'm doing tomorrow...guess we'll see...should I keep typing what I'm thinking?...sure, why not...hmm...I like the noise the keys make when you type on them...My eye lids feel very heavy...It's really dark in here...maybe I should turn on a light...yep, that's a good idea. *pauses and turns on light above computer*...back to typing...Why does Tony keep yelling at Drew?...Why is Drew humming "Oh Christmas Tree"?...maybe that's why Tony's yelling at Drew...yeah, probably...hmm...I can't wait for GTC practice to start...I love GTC...I wish I was in a better show choir...oops, I'm a traitor...but I do...I wonder what songs we'll do this year...hopefully good ones...it's my last year...sad...I want to sleep...maybe I should sleep...but not right now...I'm tired...ok, I'm done, cuz this is getting old and my brain is running out of things to think about...I'll just stop thinking for awhile...

131) Are you having fun: Sure.

132) What time is it: Still Night Time

133) Who makes you laugh: Funny People

134) Who's your favorite teacher: Mr. Recker and Mr. Abromeit were my absolute favorites...but I also really like/liked: Mrs. Cheng (she lives across the street from me...she was my Kindergarten teacher...she's the coolest...but her dog died  He could play the piano...he was the coolest too), Miss Potts/Mrs. Timmerman, Mrs. Gehrke, Mrs. Brenner, Mr. Bancroft, Dr. Ordman, Mrs. Halverson, Mrs. Mixdorf...Mrs. Shrout...Mrs. Wikner...Mrs. Nigg...Mr. D...Mr. Stumpff (believe it or not!)...and some more. 

135) Who's your least favorite teacher: Oooh...we'll start way back in 3rd grade...Mrs. Perkins...she always took my stuff from me, telling me that I would get them back when I could stay on task...I guess I had a short attention-span back then ...then there was Fotsch the Rotch...at least that's what we all called her...she wasn't that bad...just a bad teacher...Mr. Downing...he was a pretty cool guy, but once again, bad teacher...he went crazy...for real, not kidding...just decided teaching wasn't for him any more and he quit!  In the middle of the school day...that was the year after I had him as a teacher...hmm...I'm sure there were a few in Jr. High...let's see, Borderwick...Herr Thiede...yuck...didn't learn a single German word from him all year...except German swear words...and I don't really need to know those...there were probably some more in Junior High...but I forget...On to High school...Ms. Wilson...Frau Galer...top of the list...Frau Winkler...I'm sensing a German trend...

136) What is the best concert you have ever been to: Hmm...Backstreet Boys was pretty cool...but that was back when I actually liked them...I haven't been to many concerts, so I don't know...I really like watching showchior competitions though...do those count?

137) What is your favorite dream: I don't really remember any good ones...actually I do...but I won't share...

138) What is your worst dream: The one's that are only half dreams...I have this thing that's really weird...they're kinda like night scares...I'll be asleep, but then like my brain will wake up...and usually I can't breath, and I'm aware of it, but it's like only half of my brain has woken up, the part that tells me that I'm not breathing...but the part that allows me to move, and start breathing again, is like still asleep or something...it's really weird...and scary...and so I sit there trying to wake up, trying to open my eyes, move my fingers or arms...anything to get myself to fully wake up...until finally it happens, and I usually jerk, and gasp for air (obviously) when I finally am able to wake up.  That's happened a lot more lately than it used to...it's really scary...It happened in math class once...that was even weirder.  I fell asleep, but then I like half woke up again, but this time there was this really loud pitch ringing in my ear, just getting louder and louder, and higher and higher, and really hurting my ear.  When I became aware of this, I of course tried to wake, up, because it wasn't a real noise, it was just part of this crazy sleep thing...and it was weird because as this pitch was getting louder and higher, and hurting more and more, at the same time, I could hear my Math teacher giving the lesson, and I was comprehending everything she said.  But yet I was still half asleep, and couldn't wake up.  At one point I think I was screaming or yelling or something...at least it felt like I was, but like the other times, I couldn't move my arms or lift up my head, or open my mouth, or move at all...so I don't think I was really screaming, plus Mrs. Nigg didn't stop teaching, and no one said anything after I was finally able to wake up again.  But when I did wake up, I like jolted upward, and sat up in my seat, and my ear hurt so bad...It was insane...So yeah...I don't have bad dreams, I have that instead...it's really weird and scary, and I don't like it, but anyways...next question...

139) What's your worst memory as a little kid: Hmm...when I was three, and we were coming to Iowa City from Urbandale where I lived, to visit my dad who had already moved here and was working here.  My mom had put me in our car, and my dog Benny in his seat next to me, and went inside to get my sister who was 2 months old.  She left the door open cuz Benny was a really good dog and would have stayed...except a UPS truck came up the street and pulled into our driveway...Benny started barking and when the truck pulled into our driveway, he jumped out of the car, going across my back (he was bigger than me, so it hurt) and got hit by the UPS truck and died.  Actually, that's pretty much my first memory...isn't that sad?

140) When was your favorite Christmas: The first one

141) Do you believe in Santa Claus: Nope

142) Do you believe in ghosts: Only the holy one

What's Better? Choose one or neither

143) Rap or R&B:

144) Pop or Rock: Both

145) Rock or Metal: Rock

146) Classical or Jazz: Jazz

147) Hanson or Manson: Neither

148) Sugar Ray or Tool: Sugar Ray

149) Spears or Aguilera: Music-wise I like them both...image-wise, don't like either.

150) Backstreet Boys or 'N SYNC: Nsync.  Remember our little b-day party for Justin, bible study girls?  Lol, that was a riot...

Your Opinions

151) What do you think about Boy Bands:
I like some of their songs.

152) What do you think about Country: I don't like most of it...but some of it like Shania Twain, Faith Hill, or LeAnn Rimes is ok. Oh, and of course who doesn't like the song "Devil Went Down to Georgia"??

153) What do you think about Heavy Metal: Not really my style.

154) What do you think about Rap: Most of it I've heard is kinda dumb.

155) What do you think about R & B: Hmm...

156) Do you think New Kids On The Block are coming back: Nope, never.

157) Yes or No. Like Hanson: Not really

158) Yes or No. Like *NSYNC: Kinda

159) Yes or No. Like Backstreet Boys: Not really

160) Yes or No. Like KoRn: No

161) Yes or No. Like Sugar Ray: Sometimes

162) Yes or No. Like Metallica: No

163) Yes or No. Like No Doubt: Not really

164) Yes or No. Like Britney Spears: Some of her songs, like her first album...

165) Yes or No. Like Aaron Carter: Not really

166) Yes or No. Like B*witched: Some of their songs

167) Yes or No. Like Joey McIntrye:

168) Yes or No. Like Jordan Knight:

169) Yes or No. Like Ricky Martin:
1 or 2 songs

170) Yes or No. Like Coolio: No

171) Yes or No. Like Janet Jackson: Kinda...I like Michael better though.

172) Yes or No. Like Spice Girls: 2 songs...that's all, I promise.

173) Yes or No. Like 98*: Used to...not anymore

174) Yes or No. Like 5ive?: 1 song

175) Yes or No. Like TLC: A few songs

176) Yes or No. Like Take 5: I think 1 song...but not really

177) Yes or No. Like Moffats: No

178) Yes or No. Like Jennifer Love Hewitt: Not really

179) Yes or No. Like Dixie Chicks: Good-bye Earl!  Lol, great song.

180) Yes or No. Like Mariah Carey: A few songs, mostly her old ones.

181) Yes or No. Like EYC: Hate 'em.  They opened for the Backstreet Boys when I saw them in concert, and they were HORRIBLE!

182) Yes or No. Like Brandy: A little

183) Yes or No. Like Eminem: Slim Shady: the tune's catchy but the words are crap.  Don't like him.

184) Yes or No. Like Shaina Twain: Yes

185) Yes or No. Like Monica: Maybe a bit.

186) Yes or No. Like Mya: A little

187) Yes or No. Like O-Town: No

188) Yes or No. Like Bared Naked Ladies: A few songs

189) Yes or No. Like Sixpence none the richer: Yes

190) Yes or No.. DO you like the Beach boys: Yes, but sometimes their songs get REALLY annoying.

191) How many Cd's do you have: A lot...is two words

192) How many tapes do you have: Not very many anymore

193) What's the oldest group/singer you are still listening to: hmm...don't know

194) Are most of your friends music freaks: A lot of them are..more like band nerds though

195) Do you ever buy merchandise of your favorite group: Only Cd's

196) If you could marry any music person who would it be: Hmm...ha ha ha

197) What is the worst CD you own: hmm...samples of Mozart Music...it's like the 1st 30 second's of about 30 songs.  No full songs, just intro's of his music...it's really weird...I'm not sure where I got it.

198) What's your favorite movie Soundtrack: That Thing You Do

199) Accent or American: Accents are kewl but I'm American.

200) Mt. Dew or SURGE: Mt Dew

201) McDonalds or Burger King: Mc D's

202) Coke or Pepsi: Coke.

203) Sweet or sour: Depends

204) Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla...on rare occasions chocolate...

205) Tea or coffee: I love coffee, I love tea...I love the jave jive and it loves me...Coffee and tea, and the Java and me...a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup, a cup.  Ahh. (For those who don't know, it's a great song )

206) Sappy/action/comedy/horror: Romantic Comedies are the best...scary ones when you're with a guy.

207) Cats or dogs: Cocoa

208) Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese: Dorito's? Both

209) Mud or Jello wrestling: Um, eww

210) With or without ice-cubes: If I have a staw, with...if I don't, with out.

211) Milk/Dark/White chocolate: Dark.  White makes me throw up.  Seriously.

212) Shine or rain: I love the sun.

213) Favorite season: Summer/Fall/Spring...anything but winter.

214) Skiing or boarding: I've never been boarding, but skiing is fun.

215) Biking or blading: Both

216) Cake or cookies: I can only eat limited amounts of cake, but cookies are good.

217) Cereal or toast: Cereal is one of my favorite foods.

218) Car or truck: Anything, as long as it's a moving vehicle! "Hey, I'm a friendly stranger, in my black Sadan, won't you hop inside my car...I got pictures, got candy, I'm a lovable man, and I can take ya to the nearest star...I'm your vehicle baby, I'll take you anywhere you wanna go, I'm your vehicle woman, and by now I'm sure ya know...that I love ya!  I need ya!  I want ya, got to have you child...great God in heaven you know I lo-ove you..." (Good song! Lol...I love GTC)

219) Night or day: Both

220) Pager or Cell phone: Cell phone

221) Bunk bed or waterbed: H20

222) Chewing gum or hard candy: Yum

223) Motor boat or canoe: Both are fun

224) What's your favorite color: red

225) What time is it now: Yes, it's still night time.

Any more questions?  Not sure what they'd be!  But feel free to ask.

These are a few of my favorite things...

Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens...Just kidding!

Favorite TV Show: Braves Baseball...or Trading Spaces
Favorite Movie: Lots and lots...That Thing You Do, A Leage of Their Own, Drive Me Crazy, My Best Friends Wedding, O Brother Where Art Thou, Bring It On...and a lot more
Favorite Music: ALL music
Favorite Book: Do I ever read? 
Favorite Sports Team: Atlanta Braves
Favorite Fruit:  I love fruit
Favorite Veggie:  Shaved Carrots!  (Must be shaved!)
Favorite Dessert: Spaghetti eis! 
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Drink: Nature's Soft Drink!  (Water)
Favorite Animal: Cocoa
Favorite Holiday: Anything that gives us an excuse to get away from school
Favorite Sound: Music
Favorite Ice cream flavor: Staccetella (that's not how you spell it, is it Mike? )
Favorite Scent:
Love Spell
Favorite Song: I love music, and I have way way way too many favorites.
Favorite Place: ...the J-lodge. But when that's not available, and it usually isn't, probably anywhere with friends.
Favorite Game: Ultimate Frisbee!! (Especially when you're playing in Switzerland!)  Also, Mow, Catch Phrase or Psychiatrist (did I spell that right?  If I did, I'm a genius...if I didn't, genius' are allowed to make mistakes too, ya know).

Favorite Quotes

That Thing You Do:

* "What about the Tempos?" "No, not the tempos.  I was in a band called the tempos.  We were...terrbile." "Hey, wasn't Guy the drummer in the Tempos?" "Heard that."

* "Guys...Chad fell down."

* "Wait, where was I?!  Oh, wait, playin songs on my guitar."

* "Do you know what these are?" "Preeesidential flashcards?" "It's a bonus.  Do you know why?" "I have no idea." "To entice you back.  The word is out on the Oh-need-ers." "Hey, that's On-ned-ers."

* "You mean like actually make a record...a record, record, record?" "Not one that we'd play..."
* "What, are you kidding?! A man, in a really nice camper, wants to put or song on the radio!  Give me a pen, I'm signing, you're signing - we're all signing."
* "You're talkin' jibberish!"

* "Oh that is so sweet.  You want her on tour - she's your costume mistress."
* "Well Mama, your son, who loves you, just left us in a lurch.  Darlene you just got promoted." "You mean you're gonna start payin me?!" "I didn't say that!"
* "It's very important you don't stink today!!" "Hey, I make no guarentees!"
* "Got any threee's?  Gah!  Looks like Lenny's goin fishin!"
* "I play a lot of cards - obviously.  You wanna see my cards?!  See!  You gotta be quick!  You gotta be quick with me!  I'm from Erie, PA."
* "Well.  I like Wisconsin."
* "Skitch - band meeting with Herr Playtone."
* "Any questions - don't ask.  I'm tired of talking to you and I want to sleep...Lenny give me that paper - give me that paper...Lenny why don't you go and see if you can visit the cockpit.  Tell 'em it's your birthday.  Go!  Go!"

* "Oh, I'm not here with these fellas.  I have a pig in competition over at the Livestock Pavilion...and I am gonna win that blue ribbon!"
* "Ooh we got movie stars in my hotel." "They're musicians actually." "Ooh, even better!"
* "Well, if that was a pick up line, we're a match made in heaven."

* "Take us there Skitch."
* "Come on, they put us up in a first class hotel, all expenses paid, while our record climbs the charts - bunch of lyin snakes." "Sorry I'm buggin you.  I guess I'm alone in my principles." "Come on, there he goes, off to his room to write that hit song, 'Alone in My Principles' "
* "If Jimmy's a genius, I'm Utant." "Who's Utant?" "He was the second - never mind."
* "I'm Guy Patterson, I'm from Erie Pennsylvania, I'm in a band called the Wonders, and we're - we just cut a record, and we're out here on the coast and I play the drums and I have all you're records - well not all of them, but a lot of them, but uh, at least I did until some of 'em got swiped when I was stationed in Germany, and you were playing in Germany, at the time that I was stationed there, but you know what?  I couldn't see you cuz you were playing in Hammburg and I was stationed in Munich.  But I listen to your records and I think you're great....You are my biggest fan."
* "Good morning Guy, we have a crisis here...you're bass player has disappeared and you are still in bed!!"
* "It's time for America to meet the Wonders, let's make 'em look good.  And go!  Leo, there's a good lookin kid.  And go!  Wolfman, too scary.  Go!  Shades that a baby!  Go!  Jimmy, careful girls he's engaged, congrats Jimmy.  Hold it..."
* "You know Guy, Horace was right about you.  You are the smart one.  Lenny is the...fool, Jimmy is the...talent.  Faye is...now Faye's special, isn't she?...But you are the smart one.  That's what I think anyway."
* "Hey!  Hey!  Hey!  Now that ain't your job!"
* "Were you in love in Erie?  With that Tina woman - she wasn't right for you...was she a good kisser?" "Yeah...it would be ungentlemanly for me to elaborate." "Hmm...Gentlemen...forgot what you fellas looked like."
* "You know that none of this would've happened if you hadn't joined the band...and I mean that in a good way."
* "Before you go, let me ask you one question." "Shoot." "When was the last time you were decently kissed?  I mean truely, truely good and kissed." "Dave Gammelgard, New Years Eve - '61." "Ok."

Bring It On:

* "I'm sexy, I'm cute, I'm popular to boot, I'm b*tchin, great hair, the boys all love to stare.  I'm wanted, I'm hot, I'm everything you're not!   I'm pretty, I'm cool, I dominate this school.  Who am I?  Just guess!  Guys wanna touch my chest.  I'm rockin, I smile, and many think I'm vile.  I'm flyin', I jump, you can look but don't you hump!  Whoo!  I'm major, I roar, I swear I'm not a whore.  We cheer and we lead!  We act like we're on speed!  Hate us cuz we're beautiful, well we don't like you either!  We're cheerleaders!  We are Cheerleaders!  Roll call!!" "Call me Big Red!" "I'm Wa-Wa-Whitney!"  "Ca-Ca-Ca-Courtney!  Reer!"  "Judas Darcy!" "I'm Big Bad Carver" "Yeah!  Just call me Casey!  Ahh!"  "I'm still Big Red!  I sizzle, I scorch, but now I pass the torch.  The ballots are in, and one girl had to win!  She's perky, she's fun!  And now she's number one!  K-Kick it Torrance!  T-T-T-Torance!" "I'm strong and I'm loud, I'm gonna make you proud, T-T-T-Torrance, you're captain Torrance!" "Let's go Toro's!  We are the Toros, the mighty, mighty Toros!  We're so terrific, we must be Toros!"

* "I got the door Torr!  I got the door Torr!"

* "I'm sorry, was that the loser sneeze?!  What is that, from like the 1900's?!  Nobody does that anymore.  Wait!  When I lived in Kentucky, did they do the loser sneeze?  No, no, they had guns and homemade bombs...What about LA?  A lotta attitude in LA but no loser sneeze, I'm pretty sure the loser sneeze is officially dead.  Sorry."

* "I transferred from Los Angelos, your school has no gymnastics team, this is a last resort!!"

* "Cheerleaders are dancers gone retarded."

* "These aren't spirit fingers...THESE are spirit fingers!!"

* "Missy is bank." "Yeah, bank-rupt!"

* "Missy's the poo.  So take a big whif."

* "Jan's got spirit, yes he do!" "Jan's got spirit, how 'bout you?!" "Dude!  You just lost!"

* "I said - brrr! It's cold in here!  There must be some Toros in the Atmosphere!  I said - brr!  It's cold in here!  There must be some Toros in the atmosphere!  I said - Oh-ee-oh-ee-oh, ice, ice, ice. Oh-ee-oh-ee-oh, ice, ice, ice."

* "I said brr, it's cold in here, there must be some Toros in the atmosphere?!  Now I know you don't think a white girl made that sh*t up!"

* "What are you doing here perv?" "Ahh! What are you doing here?" "Making money from guys oogling my goodies." "Ok - Over share!  Oh that was just too much.  I did not need to hear that..."
* "You're skin!  Say it with me...SUNLIGHT."

* "But why does everyone have to go on a diet?" "Because in cheerleading, you throw people.  And fat people don't go as high."

* "Hey Ladies!  Does anyone wanna see my spirit stick?!"

* "Shut up!  If you don't have it by now, you don't have it!"