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NEWS FLASH: Cyber X Gaming to Host the Richest and Largest Lan Event Ever Conducted!
Cyber X Gaming will soon post our event schedule and formats for the richest and largest series of LAN events ever conducted. We are pleased to announce that our format will award over $100,000 to the winner of our Counter Strike competition as well as presenting the largest cash and prize awards for RTCW, America's Army, and UT2K3. In total, over $600,000 in cash and prizes will be distributed over the next 6 months.

Within our site you will now find information regarding our current sponsors as well as those organizations that are providing ongoing facility, transportation, and competition management support. We are very pleased to announce our affiliation with these 14 organizations and we expect formal announcement of an additional 12 event corporate partners within the next few weeks. Each of our corporate partners presents unique opportunities for our gaming participants. The relationship with Super Computer Inc. guarantees that our servers and OEM equipment will be the fastest available within the industry. The association with ThinkGeek will enable us to market and brand the event through a variety of product lines and services. The partnership with the America's Army game will allow AA gamers the chance to compete for the largest purse in AA game history. Our venue associations with Marriott and the Raddison at the entrance to Universal Studios will provide entertainment and special events for all of your friends and family.

We have now confirmed our affiliation with GOTFRAG and X-Treme Radio who will provide ongoing event on-line news and coverage as well as on site television production by Tech TV. Within this latest news posting we also will provide specific information regarding all of our qualifying events. With regional events in Chicago, Dallas, Northest (NY,CT,NJ), and Los Angeles. Each of these events includes significant prize and cash awards for the participants as well as automatic seeding within the Word Games championship. We are very pleased to announce our affiliation with the TeamX-Zone and CyberNet Cafe centers who will host our Chicago and Northeast region events. We wil also offer over 30 on-line qualifying events within the United States and Europe. To ensure that all of our competition within the games is managed and presented as professionally as possible we have partnered with TeamWarfare and UGS who will both assist in the production and management of the competition. Team Warfare League will actually oversee the placement and posting of all seeding and qualifiers while UGS will oversee our Counter Strike events. This is just a partial listing of all of the activities and associations that will be confirmed over the next few weeks and we can assure you, the gaming community that all Cyber X Gaming plans are on track and fully funded through our current associations.

Thank you!

Joe Hill
Cyber X Gaming Inc.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Wednesday, June 19, 2003

Attendee and Tournament Registration for the Ultimate Gaming Event Begins June 9, 2003 at 9:00p.m. EST MESQUITE, Texas - June 3, 2003 - There are more reasons than ever to be at QuakeCon 2003. Whether you want to compete for $125,000 in cold, hard cash, or simply enjoy the company of over 4,000 other gaming fanatics, you can't afford to miss QuakeCon 2003. The first-come, first-serve general attendee registration begins at 9:00 p.m. EST on June 9, 2003 at www.quakecon.org. The dates and times for tournament registration are outlined in the specific tournament information below. The definitive gaming tournament and party is free to all attendees and scheduled for Aug. 14-17 at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Dallas, Texas. NVIDIA Corporation, the worldwide leader in graphics processing, is putting up a combined purse of $125,000 in cash for the four QuakeCon tournaments. Gamers ready to test their mettle will compete in one vs. one or team competitions in QUAKE III Arena™, Return to Castle Wolfenstein™, or Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory™. So there you have it. Head over to Quakecon.org for more information.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Friday, June 6, 2003

NEWS FLASH: Enemy Territory Releasted TODAY!!!
The complete version of ET came out today. It includes six different maps and has lots of features: an integrated OSP, Demofunktion, Statsfunktion and the Anticheat-Tool Punkbuster. If you havent downloaded it from go out and get it now its worth the wait. Download it from HERE it usually takes an average of 20mins depending upon your connection, Iam assuming most clan members have a broadband connection to the internet. I will be starting an Enemy Territory Division of the WarMachines, I will keep everyone updated as this unfolds. Cya out on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Friday, May 30, 2003

NEWS FLASH: The WarMachines have joined the TWL Leagues!!!
I know thats old news but I needed to put a message up here havent posted here in awhile. But anyways we are in the TWL 6 vs 6 League and also in the TWL 5 vs 5 Ladder. We are showing very well in the 5 vs 5 Ladders and are undefeated WOO HOO:) The team is really starting to come together and Im proud to be apart of this clan. It looks like we will be getting a 12 man public server for the clan, I have been in contact with artofwar to see if they can cut me a deal, I have also been looked at other game server companies tryin to find the best deal I can. Oh yeah I almost forgot today is the WarMachines RTCW Clan's 1 year anniversary:) Well I think this is enough news for now ill cya out there on the battelfield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Wednesday, February 19, 2003

NEWS FLASH: Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy Hollidays to everyone!!!
I would like to send a shout out to all my WarMachine homies, Merry Christams and Happy Hollidays to you and yours. I hope that everyone has a great holliday season, but dont get to relaxed because remember we have much work to accomplish and many improvements to make this clan a competitive force. With teamwork and dedication to our clan we will grow strong in this coming new year of 2003, LET THE BLOOD FLOW!!! Cya out there on the battelfield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Friday, December 20, 2002

NEWS FLASH: Happy Halloween WarMachines!!!
Just wanted to say Happy Halloween to everyone. Iam happy to see that we are having more scrims as of late, this will be a good way to measure how good we are getting and especially helpful in identifying what we need to work on when it comes to our team work skills. Again I want to thank all the WarMachines for being a great bunch a guys who enjoy kickin peoples teeth in:) Cya out there on the battelfield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Friday, October 25, 2002

NEWS FLASH: The WarMachines Clan ROCKS!!!
Iam proud to say the second coming of The WarMachines is upon us. Iam very happy to report that our clan is really starting to come together as a team, we have a great roster of very talented kick ass players. We are still in need of more practice and also need to start seriously using tactics when we play in addition we must start incorporating a voice client such as Rodger Wilco into our practice routine ASAP. This clan is truly starting to look awsome. I would like to thank all the members for your loyalty and commitment to this clan, we will become strong as our teamwork becomes perfection. Cya out there on the battelfield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Monday, September 9, 2002

NEWS FLASH: Let the New Blood Flow!
The WarMachines are going through some major changes. Most of the clan packed up and jointed other clans. Only a few true believers remain within our ranks. This clans organiztional structure is going to change, only those truly interested in competeing and only those serious about teamwork will be allowed to join. There will be tryouts held and prospective members will have to meet certain standards before they are allowed to join this clan. In the past I had made the mistake of granting any and all interested in joining this clan immediate membership, this will no longer be the case. You will have to prove that you have both skill and dedication to join this outfit all others need not apply.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Monday, August 5, 2002

NEWS FLASH: The Cyberathlete Amature League season is about begin!
The season begins in less than a week, we need to get prepared for the battles to come. We have made improvments but this is not good enough, until we start winning battles against other teams wheather it be a CAL match or a scrim, we have to get serious about the way we play. Look in the restricted area for a list of members who have recieved new ranks, if you havent recieved rank please be patient, if you are loyal to the clan and show good chartacter you will be rewarded for your dedication. The new ranks will posted on the clan site within the next few days. Thankyou all and cya out on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Monday, July 29, 2002

NEWS FLASH: WarMachines Kick Ass!
Nice job guys in Wednesdays scrim. I know I wasnt there for most of it but I hear we did quite well considering we need vast improvments in the teamwork department. Which brings me to my next topic, teamwork, battle tactics and disciplin. We need to operate as a core, not as individuals having fun screwing around, that is of course if we are all willing to take the time to improve our skills as a team. I am sure most of you as well as I have the desire to develop our clans teamwork and battle tactics and become the well oiled killing machine we are destined to be. Remeber this game isnt about individual performances, its about a team being diciplined and knowing what your job intales. We need to start identifying where our strengths and weaknesses are and work to improve these areas. Iam also happy to see tactics discussions posted on the forum, we need to share this info with each other, this will improve overall skill levels amongst all members including those who are still new to this game. Everyone keep up the good work, also keep in mind I am considering serveral members for a move in rank. Cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Friday, July 12, 2002

NEWS FLASH: =State of the WarMachines=
I am happy to report that our clan is steadily growing, 5 prospective members have signed on in just the past 24 hrs. It is hard to keep up with this rapid growth phase but I am none the less happy to see our clan start to truly become a formidable allience. I know that a lot of you are unhappy about the practice situation and want to see more members participate, and also want to battle other clans, take my word, we will be having alot of battles in the near future. I wanted to build up a solid base of loyal members who I could count on before I went gung ho and started schedualing matches. With this rapid influx of membership I believe it is time to start scriming with other competitive RTCW clans. When I feel we are ready our clan will be signed up for CAL and STA league battles. We have alot of work ahead of us before we are ready to compete at league level, so if your with me and are willing to make the time we can and will truly become a deadly force.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Thursday, June 27, 2002

I would like to welcome New Members!
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome to the WarMachines Clan, 3 new members: Anti-Terror=WM=, Spiderman=WM= and $Nelly$=WM=, again welcome to the WarMachines and cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Monday, June 10, 2002

NEWS FLASH: Changes to the WarMachines Clan Server IP Address!
The following changes have been made to the WarMachines Clan Server. The new IP Address has changed to If there are any questions please feel free to email me or leave your question on the forums page, thankyou for your time and cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Friday, June 7, 2002

Ranks have been awarded.
The rank of SS-Oberschütze/Corporal has been awarded to following members: KaiserSoza=WM=, DuffMan=WM=, Lt.TalonGizmo=WM=, NightOwl=WM= and CrazyEyes=WM=. Congradulations to all recipients and job well done, thank you all and cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on wednesday, May 22, 2002

A new member has joined the WarMachines!!!
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome to the WarMachines our newest member Ender=WM=, cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on wednesday, May 22, 2002

The Official WarMachines Clan Server is now up and running!!!
Yup you heard right, the WarMachines now have an Official Clan Server. As you already know it was leased from artofwarcentral.com and was just placed into service yesterday. Server info is as follows: Server Name: WarMachines / Server IP: 29990. This is a password protected server and only members should have recieved the password to it. I was also thinking that down the line here I may lease another server, but that one would be a public server, just a thought, but for now we have our own clan/practice server, where we can also hold scims and matches. I look forward to this new chapter of the WarMachines history. Thankyou all and cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Monday, May 20, 2002

NEWS FLASH: Need member logos, About the Clan Server and a New Member has joined the WarMachines...
Yup we need need those logos in ASAP, if you need help with a design or idea feel free to get ahold of me, I like doing photo and graphics manipulation. About the clan server, I am still waiting for a reply from artofwarcentral.com in regards to some questions I had about server pricing. We should have the server up by the end of this week early next week at the lastest. All I can say is its gonna rock to have our own server. Last but definatly not least, I would like to welcome our newest member BOOMER=WM= to the WarMachines, cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Sunday, May 5, 2002

Members Page Update!
Hey everyone, I have implimented a suggestion by one of our fellow members to change the Members Page, by making it a little more fun and to give members a chance to be creative. I want everybody to create their own personal logo, dimetions of logo must be exactly 100 x 100 pixels. Each graphic should be saved as an Optimized Gif, if you need help in designing your logo or have any questions about the process of creating your own, please feel free to get ahold of me anytime through email, post on the message forum or icq. Also include a quote of something you think is cool, from a movie or whatever. You can send the quote first and the graphic later, Its all up to you, thankyou for your time, SilentSCREAM=WM=

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Friday, April 26, 2002

Recruitment, STA and CAL Leagues, New Members...
Hello everyone, We need atleast 2 more active members to join, if you know of anybody who would be interested please have them email me. For STA and CAL leagues, we must have 7 members willing to be available for matches during the week. I am glad to report that we have added 2 more members to our ranks, please welcome Torpedo=WM= and CrazyEyes=WM= to the WarMachines, cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Sunday, April 21, 2002

Team colors and a dedicated clan server?
First off I want everybodys opinion on what our team colors will be, it should be combination of at least 2 colors, please email me or post on the forum your choice of colors. I have been toying with the idea of leasing a dedicated server, Kaiser raised an important issue, we need to have a few successful practices before we consider this next option, if you have any questions or comments post or email me, Thankyou all for your time.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Wednesday, April 10, 2002

I would like to welcome NightOwl=WM= to the WarMachines!
I would like to welcome NightOwl=WM= to the WarMachines RTCW Clan, cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Tuesday, April 9, 2002

I would like to welcome the WarMachines newest member!
I would like to send a shot out to our new member Death inc.=WM=, cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Wednesday, April 3, 2002

New pages added to site and new member has joined us!
The coms page is done, plus we now have have a forum so go to the forums page and start posting messages, we also have a new member who has joined our clan, I would like to take this oportunity to welcome Lt.TalonGizmo=WM=, cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Friday, March 29, 2002

I would like to welcome our newest member to the clan!
The WarMachines would like to welcome new member, Duff Man=WM=, cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Monday, March 18, 2002

I would like to welcome our new members to the clan!
The WarMachines would like to welcome new members, The GODFATHER=WM= and KaiserSoza=WM=, cya out there on the battlefield.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Sunday, March 10, 2002

Ok, The Official WarMachines Site is finally up and running!!
I'am happy to report that the WarMachines clan site is up and opporational, well not 100% but at least it is online so people can view it. Everything should work within the next week I still have to tweak some things, but so far it looks prettty good.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Sunday, March 5, 2002

State of the Machine
When I get the forum working their will be a weekly post informing members of practice times, and so fourth. I will post again when the forum is up and running.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Sunday, February 24, 2002

I would like to intro myself...
First I would just like to welcome you to the official WarMachine's website, and then let me introduce myself, My RTCW handle is SilentScream=WM=, clan leader of the WarMachines. Please feel free to email me anytime with questions of how to join or whatever, I will post an ICQ# shortly, for another avenue of communication, thankyou for your time.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Sunday, February 24, 2002

WarMachines are recruiting!!!
I would like everyone who is potentially interested in joining this clan to know that we are not going to put you through any testing to evaluate weather you are good enough. Weather you are a newbies or a seasoned veteran does not matter because you will be trained well and you learn and excel in this game. With a good attitude, team work and effort we will be able to beat anybody.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Wednesday, February 20, 2002

In need of a WarMachines team practice server!!!
We are in need of a full-time or part time broadband(DSL, cable modem or better connection) equiped server owned and operated by a member so that when can then set a pracice schedual, if you can help please email me ASAP, thankyou for your time.

Posted by SilentScream=WM= on Wednesday, February 20, 2002
Site Designed by SilentScream