Question and Answers
By: John Bevere


How do I know that God has spoken to me if there is no verse in the Bible which specifically relates to what I have heard?

John's Response:

Our first standard for judging anything is the council of the Scriptures Therefore anything we hear must not contradict God's word. However, there are times when God speaks to us about issues we cannot find chapter and verse for, such as who we are to marry, there we're to attend church, where to work, etc.

Our safeguard in these situations is the inward witness of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:14-16 tells us, "For us many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God...the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit..." But before I discuss this, it is of the utmost importance that our hearts are clean and neutral to hear whatever God desires of us. We must examine ourselves to see if there is anything in our hearts or lives, which is sin. One thing to particularly guard against is covetousness, or a strong desire for gain. We're told covetousness will keep us from hearing the will of God (see Eze. 14:2-4; covetousness is New Testament idolatry, see Col. 3:5).

Once our heart is clean, we can trust the witness of the Holy Spirit as it bears witness with our spirit or heart. This raises two important points. First the witness is not in our head but our heart. Second, His witness is not found in words but in peace, or the lack of it. Paul says, "And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds.] When we hear something within and sense peace it is the Holy Spirit's confirmation of truth. If there is unrest or grieving, it is not the Spirit of God who has spoken.

Copyright © 2001-, Terry Muse
Revised: March 22, 2002
Contact: Terry Muse