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Soon the projects would be available for download. They were scrutinized during the daily work in "background"... Current versions are under testing and the figures in "Archive" column show packed size of the projects with installers if any.

Project Short Description Archive
New era browser... Killing features:
  • You could make its interface according to your "bio" (good interfaces could be collected in the way you add skins to Winamp)
  • Insert new bookmarks onto page you are currently browsing, which is extremely useful during studying...
  • Insert new hypertext links by right-mouse clicking
  • Edit and create pages in visual manner
  • Add new functionality to your pages as easy as installing plug-ins

A tool for collecting anything... (Collect, Collect and Collect...). The project was developed with my ambition to close the question... :)

Presents the way to view and configure your components and file groups from InstallShield. Contains "Import/Export..." menu item that helps to use this instrument both before using IS and in parallel with it to maintain and explore inter-dependencies between installable objects. Could also generate applet and appropriate html-page to show all the dependencies to external user.

Makes presentable view out of IS full report. Could use several easy configured databases to store your report settings.

A tool for collecting different info about your employees. Supports all range of graphical formats to be imported from various multimedia sources. Irreplacable for chiefs, KGB, FBI, fans, etc. Contains small game inside for fun...

A tool helps your to make a template for publishing in two languages, where even pages are published in one language and odd pages in other, or vice versa. Useful for education purposes.

By few clicks you are able to make small site. Could keep your best findings from Internet for later use.

Text converter. Maintains symbolic/code tables (import, export, creation) for later text converting of file or group of files. Could identify your source code table.
