Home : Stamps : Soccer in Stamps : Soccer Philatelic List : People's Republic of China
People's Republic of China
Scott # Michel # Date Description Image
 309   334   Mar 20, 1957   1st National Workers Sports Meeting   (stamp) 
 482   510   Dec 28, 1959   1st National Sports Games in Peking   (stamp) 
 732   760   Nov 7, 1963   Games of the Newly Emerging Forces, Djakarta   (stamp) 
 863   903   Sep 28, 1965   2nd National Games   (stamp) 
 891   919   Feb 25, 1966   Children's Sports   (stamp, strip) 
 1090   1108   June 10, 1972   10th Anniversary of Mao Tse-tung's Edict on Physical Culture   (stamp) 
 1238   1248   Sep 12, 1975   3rd National Games   (stamp) 
 1400   1410   June 1, 1978   Building health while young   (stamp) 
 1494   1503   Sep 15, 1979   4th National Games   (stamp, block) 
 2005-2006   2031-2032   Sep 8, 1985   2nd National Worker'sGames   (stamps) 
 2073   2100   Dec 20, 1986   Sports of ancient China   (stamp) 
 B10, B10a   2237   June 1, 1989   Children   (stamp, strip) 
 2371-2372   2405-2406   Nov 16, 1991   1st Women's World Cup in China   (p11.5X11, p11.5X11.5)