Decoration / Presentation

When making stars, it's not easy to just leave them lying around - it helps to organize then im some way that decorative and eye-catching. one of the most common methos for displaying stars is by placing several in clear glass bottles, however there are other ways.


Bottles are often closed with corks or lace, with ribbon ties around the neck. You can buy interestingly shaped bottles at asian gift shope, especially made for stars, or just save on to re-use. The diameter of the opening of the bottle should be taken into consideration - the star must be able to fit into the bottle, and something with a particularily small opening may mean you will have to create smaller stars.

I find that it's nice to have the stars scented before placing them in the bottle. Strips are sometimes sold scented, or when you are done making the stars, before you place them in the bottle, you can spray them lightly with perfume.


When creating a star mobile, choose havy materials, string and strip, to prevent it from tangling too easily. The string can be either threaded through the stars with a needle in the end, or the strip can be wrapped aound the string at the beginning.


Chains of stars are particular complmentary as Chirstmas tree decorations. Thread the stars together using a needle and thread. Other materials such as bead can also be threaded along with the stars.

You may want to try varying the size or color of the stars, however composition is best kept with the same material throughout. Simplicity is the key to making it look good. Lucky stars can be used for many things, and trying out something new can result in satisfying effects. If you have any additional ideas, I would most appreciate you submit them either as a written description, scanned photo or drawing.