Calm Before The Storm (1996)

Produced by Josh Leo
A & R direction: Paige Levy

Production coordination by Lauren Koch/Big Cheese
Recorded by Steve Marcantonio
Assisted by Russ Martin, Emerald Studios, Nashville, TN
Additional recording by Russ Martin, Emerald Studios, Nashville, TN
Mixed by Steve Marcantonio
Assisted by Grant Greene and Tim Waters, Emerald Studios, Nashville, TN
Mastered by Danny Purcell, Georgetown Masters Inc., Nashville, TN

Drums: Lonnie Wilson and Chad Cromwell
Bass: Duncan Mullins and Glenn Worf
Electric Guitar: Brent Mason, Jeff King, and Josh Leo
Acoustic Guitar: Biff Watson and Mark Casstevens
Keyboards: Steve Nathan, Bill Cuomo and John Hobbs
Steel: Sonny Garrish and Gary Morse
Fiddle: Rob Hajacos and Jonathan Yudkin

String Arrangements by Carl Marsh
Background Vocals: Harry Stinson and Woody Wright

I am very thankful for a number of people, for their support, belief in my music, and just for doing their best every day, I couldn't do this without them. Thanks to:

Mom and dad, for your love, understanding, guidance and prayers, and just for being my two best friends*My sisters, Jenna and Sunny, for putting up with my singing and guitar playing at all @#$*?! hours of the night*The rest of my family, I love you all.

Paige Levy for the countless hours of dedication, encouragement, and motherly advice; for letting me be me, and for helping me be more than I was, you're awesome*Kim Cooke and Randy Stark for believing from the first time you saw me*Jim Ed Norman*Stan Kulin*Eddie Reeves*Bill Mayne (we're schnookin' now)*Jack Purcell*All the regional staff for slugging it out in the trenches*All the folks at Warner/Reprise Nashville and Warner Music Canada.

Neil MacGonigill and Rudi LeValley at Musicworks Inc., and to Jann Arden...for encouraging me to be myself at all times. Thank you Neil for your honesty and integrity in helping me out, I'll tell you one thing, that's all I know!*Nancy Ford (you're so sweet)*Lou Blair for lending an ear and for great advice, I know you didn't have to do it, but you did, and I appreciate it*Dave Hamilton at Hamiltone Productions*The guys at Sundae Sound Studios and everyone in on the Copperhill gang sessions*Country 105 for your support during the Budweiser Country Contest.

Chris Tremblay for helping me with all the crazy scheduling while this album was being made, about your 90% cut, the cheque is in the mail...*All my friends at the Alberta Children's Hospital, I love you guys*The City of Calgary Emergency Medical Services and Fire Departments, ya'll are the coolest. You both do important jobs, and you are great fans too!*Brian and Susan Farrell*My very first music teacher, Mr. Waters.

Josh Leo, for all the extra work, effort, and understanding; thank you for playing guitar on the album. You are so incredibly talented; it has been an honour working with you. Josh you have been a true friend...Josh, you are also old enough to be my father (sorry, had to do it!) Thank you for finding "The Sound"... "Hey, a lot of work went into that record!"*Steve Marcantonio for reminding me of my fondest childhood memories*Russ Martin, for the second and third best ideas you ever had*Woody "Deluxe" Wright and Harry Stinson and the Stinsonettes for the great're a brick house baby...*Bubba for the killer bass vocals, that dog'll hunt!*The girl who broke my heart that first time (you know who you are) for the inspiration to start writing songs*Salsa Boy...wherever you are...*Everyone who has come to see me play, I hope you had as much fun as I did, I can't wait to do it again. Tim Wipperman and Dale Bobo at Warner/Chappell Music, Inc. and Barbara Bobo for the Southern home cookin'!

Malcolm Mimms at Loeb & Loeb

Pete Fisher, Dan Raines and all the staff at Creative Trust for the time and energy you have put into this project.

Aimeelee for the most important life lesson anyone could give. I pray your spirit and zest for life live on through me.

The Good Lord for Your strength, thank You for the gift of music. Psalms 150.

This album is dedicated to the memory of my grandfather Peter Victor Blas, who never got to see the realization of my dream. I loved your understated charm and quiet support. I know you were proud of me.

1) My Heart Has A History
2) Take It From Me
3) I Do
4) 12 Step Recovery
5) I Meant To Do That
6) One And Only One
7) All Over Me
8) Calm Before The Storm
9) On The Inside
10) Pass Me By (If You're Only Passing Through)

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