OK, I'm sure we're all aware of the 'Paul vs. Shania' feud that's going on with the Y105 poll. I personally think it's really crappy that it had to go so far as to be taken to the official message board, but maybe that's just me. (If you have no clue what I'm talking about, click here. It started out of a Y105 poll as to which country singer you would choose as Prime Minister.) Anyway, this is what I'm asking--let it drop. It's not a big deal, and I don't know why some people (Paul fans and Shania fans) are getting so defensive about it. Please, don't reply to the posts, and maybe we can lighten up about it a little. Thanks, y'all.

Well, y'all, paulbrandt.com was launched on Thursday, and it's running full speed ahead! If you go to the "Contest" page, you can enter to win your own party with Paul! That's right, Paul will come to your house and play a live acoustic show for you and as many of your friends as you can cram into your living room.
Here's what Paul has to say about the contest: "I wanted to have this contest to say thanks to the fans that have been so supportive throughout my career. This has been an incredible five years for me, I never dreamed it would ever get this big. I hope that this will bring attention to the new web site so we can begin a conversation with the fans to let them have a voice. One of the coolest parts about doing what I do is making new friends and meeting new people. PaulBrandt.com will let me do that all over the world!"
The winner of the contest will be announced during a live chat with Paul at countrycool.com on January 16. Also, rumour has it that Paul is in Toronto as we speak shooting a video for WIWTBRF, and that the video will be centered around the new website. :)

Jam! Country has reviewed WIWTBRF! Click here to read it.

So, did y'all see Paul on the Opry Saturday night? He looked and sounded amazing, per usual! He sang WIWTBRF and "I Do", and it was awesome. Also, 1 MORE SLEEP!!! and HMV has album info up for WIWTBRF already--go check it out!

For everyone who lives in Calgary or Vancouver, Country 105 and JRfm 93.7 are giving away WIWTBRF this weekend before you can buy it in stores! Make sure to listen!! :)

Paul will be on the Grand Ole Opry on TNN next weekend!! Go to opry.com for more details!

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