What I Want To Be Remembered For (2000)

2 new tracks produced by Ben Fowler

Thanks to: Liz, my partner and friend, I am thankful for your love. When we're apart, you are my compass and my lighthouse, I feel at home when I'm with you. Mom's, Dad's, Jenna, Sunny, Greg, Brogan (he's my nephew, he hasn't really done anything yet, he's just cute), Hans, and Andrea; thank you for listening to my stories (over and over), coming to my shows, and supporting me emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Andrea, thanks for showing me that "this is the beauty within and the interpretation thereof". Pete Fisher, you are the hardest working man I know. Thank you so much for your dedication when you were working with me, and for your continued solid advice and friendship. Cheryl Harris, my surrogate Nashville mother and incredible business manager, Lillian "NASCAR" Williams (for speedy airline ticket delivery, and all you do), and all the great folks at O'Neil/Hagaman. Ginger Anderson (and Billy) and everyone at William Morris. Ginger, you always go above and beyond, thank you so much for being there through all of this. Steve Coplan, for being a true friend. Debbie Holley (and Randy) of the Holley Company, you are a joy to work with and to call friends. Biff Watson, for using all your best Patty Loveless licks on the new songs... seriously, you are extremely talented and I feel fortunate to work with you... Ben Fowler, what's this now, 4 weeks in the business? I see your plan... first you engineer, now you produce... are you planning to take my job on the next album?? Allen Ditto, we'll miss you buddy, hurry back. Josh Leo, Chris Farren, Steve Marcantonio, I couldn't have made it here without you all, thank you for your contributions to my career and to this project. Warner Music Canada, you have been incredible to work with, I am honoured to be associated with you. Dan Raines, thank you for your hard work on this project and my career. Loeb and Loeb. Linda Rose, Rose Immigration and Law Firm. John Spittle, Steve Spittle (don't worry, I won't say it here), Brian Wooten, Mark Gillespie, Ken Soper, Wayne Adelman, thanks for keeping me rocking out on the road, I love you guys. WebMaster/Front of House/Go-to guy, Kevin McGinty, you are a class act, thanks Kev (No, I don't wanna spend another...). CMT Canada, CMT. Laurie Ranton and all of the wonderful people at World Vision. Alberta Boots. Bob Borbonus @ Taylor Guitars. Takamine Guitars. (Isaiah 25:1)

It's a strange feeling to look back like this and reflect a bit, it's been five amazing years since I came to Nashville. Time definitely moves more quickly when you're having fun, but at the same time, the "Calm Before The Storm" seems like ages ago. This Greatest Hits album is a very special milestone for me. In 1996, I started out wide-eyed and really not knowing what the musical path I had chosen had in store; every dream has been surpassed, and yet today I feel ever more passionate about what I do. If this is just the first five years, I can't wait to see what the next five will hold. I hope and pray that I will get to spend the rest of my life putting smiles on people's faces, writing and performing songs, helping folks forget about their tough day at work, using music to change lives, and bringing glory to the God that gives me the strength to do all of this...that's what I want to be remembered for.

This album is dedicated to my fans; thank you all so much for being here on this ride of a lifetime.

1) My Heart Has A History
2) It's A Beautiful Thing
3) I Do
4) That's The Truth
5) I Meant To Do That
6) Take It From Me
7) Yeah!
8) A Little In Love
9) The Sycamore Tree
10) Outside The Frame
11) There's Nothing I Wouldn't Do
12) What I Want To Be Remembered For

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