Interviews 3


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I have a lot of interviews of the guys-so, as I do not want to make the pages very long-I thought I may just add another page :)

this is an interview that legendary drummer ULI KUSCH gave for the official HELLOWEEN website after the release of the album


This is the first new Helloween interview on the website for the year 2000. It is kind of short but informative so far on the happenings of the band as of right now. This interview was done by email as well. So check it out!!
Tony Webster:
How has your songwriting been going?, I know you told me you had some stuff written for Helloween already, what do your song ideas sound like?
Uli Kusch:
Well the songwriting has been going fine. I`ve got a couple of new ideas, but i don`t know if they're are gonna fit with the next album concept. Some stuff turned out verry heavy, and one is a fast Track, compareble with "push",but different. All in all I have like 13 tracks, but probably about four tracks are written for or will be used for Helloween. For the last album, Better Than Raw, I spent a lot of time making very proper preproductions, so the tracks where nearly finished, but this time I have just recorded basic ideas and I will leave these ideas the way they are until we all are in the practiceroom .
Tony Webster:
You were just in Tenerife at Andi's studio to check out the drum room, how did it go and did you guys settle on the producer for the next album?
Uli Kusch
You never know what you`ll get in a Studio from just looking at it. So we`ve made a preproduction with one of Andi`s Tracks. While recording the drums, I had a good feeling about the studio and as for producers we have some people we want to use but nothing is final yet. I liked the result in Andi's studio though!.
Tony Webster:
How often do you spend time songwriting, you seem to be a workaholic, ever get a vacation?
Uli Kusch
Well I always work on things. When i`m not on tour i`m in my studio to check out new equipement and get inspired.
Tony Webster:
Where did you get the idea to make the Rainbow Tribute, and how did the project form?
Uli Kusch
Around 1996 Henjo Richter and I wanted to make this sideproject, cause we grew up listening to Rainbow and we love their music. In about one week we formed a band lineup and we did a few shows in Germany, Belgium and Holland. JVC Victor was interested in having us record a Rainbow tribute album. So we recorded it November 1998 in my studio with a couple of friends.


Tony Webster:
Is the Catch The Rainbow project going to play any gigs in the future?
Uli Kusch
Yes, but in a different Lineup
Tony Webster:
You had talked about wanting to do a side project of your own stuff, but then you decided to put that on hold. You did write some songs on the Shockmachine album.....are you a permanent member of this project and will you be writing songs for this project in the future?
Uli Kusch
As far as I know, i`m still a member of Shock Machine and I will continue to write songs and play for the project as well.
Tony Webster:
You guys did 70s and late 60s covers on Metal Jukebox, except one song from the 80s which was From Out Of Nowhere by Faith No More. Was Faith No More one of your favorite bands and how were they at all an influence onW your music?
Uli Kusch
Faith No More was one of my favorite bands from the late 80s and early 90s. The album called The Real Thing, which is the album From Out Of Nowhere originially appears (the song covered for Metal Jukebox), and this song had such high energy when it came out, I was addicted to it.!
Tony Webster:
You guys have toured with Iron Maiden for awhile now, many fans from Brazil and a lot of places in Europe emailed me asking why a band with a large fanbase like Helloween doesn't headline. Do you think you guys will headline your shows next tour?
Uli Kusch
Well we all decided to do the tour with Iron Maiden because it would enable us to reach a larger amount of people and play to larger audiences. We may be playing some festivals this summer and after that we will headline our own shows.
Tony Webster:
On the last couple of albums it seems the drums were not as loud as they could have been, I was wondering if this will possibly be different on the upcoming album?
Uli Kusch
So far we are happy with the drumsound except for the sound of the drums on Time Of The Oath, but the next album is going to be different anyway, because it will be recorded in a different studio with different producers.

Tony Webster:
You recently just played drums on the upcoming Sinner album! How did the production of the album come out, how was it working with the guys from Sinner and how did you end up playing drums in the studio for them?
Uli Kusch
Well I think "The end of Sanctuary" is a Killer album!! Some say it`s typical German Metal but I think most of the material is very Lizzy (Thin Lizzy?) influenced. The music on this album is powerful and it has a big range. To me this was one of the easiest productions I have ever done so far. The guys in Sinner are very nice people and very professional in their work. Ive ended up meeting Mat Sinner at a PRIMAL FEAR show in Belgium. I had gone to this show to see Ralf Scheepers, and Mat just came to me and asked me if I would be interested to play the next Sinner album. Well it was an easy decision for me, because Sinner has a long history in the metal scene.
Tony Webster:
Since I have been around the guys in Helloween, it seems the band is very democratic and everyone decides what songs make the albums. Is the band a lot like being in a family?
Uli Kusch
Oh yes! You have five different characters to get along with for a few years. Sometimes it is not easy but everybody knows what it`s about.
Tony Webster:
You were in a band called Holy Moses, are the albums you were on with this band going to be re-released?
Uli Kusch
To tell you the truth......I don`t care what the plans of this Band are anymore.
Tony Webster:
What is your opinion on the Metal Scene and do you think its getting better for Helloween and other bands?
Uli Kusch
There is a Metal Comeback in Germany and in other countries as well. Metal is still big in a few countries still! Unfortunately most of the bands are again jumping on the bandwagon, and it starts to get boring again but I think quality has durability.
Tony Webster:
There are a lot of great drummers out there in the metal scene, but you are one of the very few that that can play drums well and you are able to actually write songs for your band and the songs you write are actually very good. Do you play other instruments besides the drums that might help you write songs, and will you ever sing on anything again like you sang on Eyes Of the World?
Uli Kusch
Since I bought my first four track machine in 1989 I have started to play guitar and bassguitar to put my ideas on tape and to get more done with songwriting. I am pretty bad in playing guitar solos or keyboards. As for singing, I think I am gonna sing backing vocals on the next Helloween like i did before.
Tony Webster:
What kind of drum equipment do you use? What kind of drum setup do you have?
Uli Kusch
Here is what kind of equipment I use and my drum setup.
Its a TAMA Artstar custom maple -chrome
2 x 24"x18" BD
8"x 6" TT
8"x 8" TT
8"x10" TT
11"x12" TT
13"x14" TT
16"x16" FT
Iron Cobra - Pedals
TAMA Power Tower - Rack system
Ludwig - Black Beauty 5 1/2" Snare
PEARL - Free floating 5 1/2" Snare
TAMA - 5 1/2" Wood Snare
TAMA - 5 1/2" Brass Snare
MEINL -Raker & Customshop Cymbals
Tony Webster:
The last thing I want to ask is at this point, what do you have to say to the fans and what can they expect for the next album?
Uli Kusch
Well i`m looking forward to do the next Helloween Album and go on tour and seeing all of our fans again! Expect another good Helloween Album !!!

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