
Arn Anderson



Base Edit

1 Skin: 3
2 Cheeks: Face Edit 1 Face Model 11
Eyebrow: Angle 15 Depth -36
Eyes: Width -25 Height -78/ Width -39 Length -2
Nose: Size 26 Height 33/ Length -13 Angle -16
Cheek: Size 82
Mouth: Width -56 Angle 0
Jaw: Width -12 Length 33/ Depth 0
3 Eyes: 5 (Color 0, -14)(Shade 43)
4 Eyebrows: 2 (Color -89, -3)(Shade 0)
5 Hair: 129 (Color -76, -20)(Shade 0)
6 Underwear: One Point 4 (Color -100, 1)(Shade -99)
7 Mustache: 33 (Transparency 100)(Color -84,-32)(Shade 0)
8 Mustache: 39 (Transparency 100)(Color -89,-29)(Shade 0)
9 Mustache: 9 (Transparency 100)(Color -85,6)(Shade 0)
10 Knee Pads: Blank 7 (Transparency 100)(Color 100, -79)(Shade -100)
11 Shoes: One Point 15 (Length -33)(Transparency 100)(Color 96, -20)(Shade 0)
12 Body/Accessories: 25 (Transparency 100)(Color -97, -30)(Shade 0)
13 Body/Accessories: 26 (Transparency 100)(Color -97, -30)(Shade 0)
14 Body/Accessories: 31 (Transparency -3)(Color 100, -3)(Shade 0)
15 Wrist Bands: Blank 2 (Length -81)(Transparency 100)(Color -100, -3)(Shade 0)
16 Underwear: One Point 4 (Transparency 100)(Color -100, 0)(Shade -9

17 Alphabet/Body: Font Type 4 “A” Place a A and A on the right side of his tights.  Reduce it twice. (Transparency 100)(Color 100,-100)(Shade -100)

18 Alphabet/Body: Font Type 4 “A” Place a A and A on the right side of his tights.  Reduce it twice. (Transparency 100)(Color 100,-100)(Shade -100)

Skin Colors
Color 3

Head: Size -12 Height 26
Neck: Width -21 Thickness -8/ Height 37
Chest: Width 69 Thickness 33
Shoulder/Both: Width -100 Thickness -19/ Height 9
Abdomen: Width 0 Thickness 17/ Height 36
Arms/Both: Width -35 Thickness 12/ Height -70
Forearms/Both: Width -34 Thickness -6/ Height -88
Hands/Both: Width -89 Thickness -12/ Height -39
Waist: Width 29 Thickness -4
Thigh: Width 3 Thickness 2/ Height -45
Legs: Width -5 Thickness -8/ Height -40
Ankles: Width -24 Thickness -22


By Fraser