- Shabbat Shalom
- To Honor Shabbat and the Holy Days
- Rosh HaShanah (Jewish New Year)
- Shanah Tovah (Happy New Year)
- Shanah Tovah U'Mitukah (Happy and Sweet New Year)
- Succot (Harvest Festival)
- Simchat Torah (Celebrating the Torah)
- Chanukah
- A great Miracle happened there (here)
- Tu B'Shevat (new year of the trees)
- Purim (Festival of Lots - story of Esther)
- Megillah (scroll of Esther)
- Pesach (Passover)
- Afikomen (Matzah eaten at end of meal)
- Shavuot (Pentacost)
- Torah (the 5 Books of Moses)
- Siddur (prayerbook)
- Machzor (High Holiday prayerbook)
The New Years greeting comes in two forms - on that just says Happy New Year and a second one that says A Happy and Sweet
New Year.
$25 for this collection of over 240 designs

click here to download file with 3 versions of Shabbat
Free Sample - Three Versions of the Word Shabbat in PES and HUS format