How to Take Proper Care of Your Rat

Taking proper care of your rat is simple. First you have to make sure that your rat is safe from cats and dogs when not being watched or held. Second you have to make sure your rat has plenty of fun toys and things to do in it's cage. Chews and a few rodent treats scattered around or in a bowl. You might even want to invent your own ways of pleasure, like my sister and I made a bed with tissues in it using an old box that would have been thrown away. That little box is the rats favorite place to hang out and sleep in. Third, be sure to change their water once or twice a day and their food when it's empty. Always be sure to find a trust-worthy rat-sitter when you go somewhere or for some reason can't attend to your rat. Clean their cage every two- three- four days. We use two types of bedding and layer it for extra absorption.

