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Trunks Story
All of us know about Future Trunks which had came from a different timeline in which Gokou and the rest were dead, except for Gohan and Trunks, All were assasinated by Android 17 and 18, who had "reigned the earth". This was a television special made by Toei Animation to explain the origin of Future Trunks, this is the second of 2 TV specials, the other was Bardock Story. In Future Trunks Time line... Androids 17 and 18 are activated, Android 17 kills Dr. Gero and they begin their reign of terror. Gokou confronts the androids but he suffers a heart attack. Without the proper medicine, Gokou dies. Without Gokou, the Z warriors are no match for the androids, Vegeta, Piccolo ,Yamtcha, Tienshin-han, and Krillin die in the battle. The chaos is everywhere and all the cities are destroyed by the androids by pure diversion. Many innocent people die without reason. Some Years after... Trunks ia now an adolecent and Gohan is an Adult. Roshi, his turtle, and Oolong pass their days hiding in a submarine. Chi-Chi and Ox-King live in fear without Gokou. Bulma had learend to live in this terrible atmosphere and she still goes to work. Androids 17 and 18 keep on destroying everything in their path, their victims intent to call the police forces but they were already destroyed by the androids. Trunks goes to his house along with Bulma. In the radio, there was a report that the androids had just finished attacking another city. Trunks gets angry by the injustice of their acts and he flies to fight against them, Trunks oberves all of their destruction, in that moment Gohan appears and he tells Trunks that he shall train him, then they return to Bulma's house. Gohan and Trunks pass their days training, Gohan intends to teach Trunks how to turn Super Saiya-jin, but Trunks can't let out all his anger, Trunks is somewhat desperate, but Gohan keeps on making him angrier and angrier by reminding about the android's acts. Meanwhile 17 and 18 keep on destroying the earth. Gohan and Trunks decide to confront the androids. Gohan is fighting 17, but 18 was hitting trunks from one place to the other, Gohan flies toward Trunks to help him. The androids fire numerous energy balls at Trunks and Gohan but they get tired, Gohan then tried to fly toward trunks but one of his arms was seriously injured and he loses it, Gohan finally gets to trunks and he takes out his bag of senzu beans, but he only has one left and he decides to give it to trunks, Trunks wakes up and he sees Gohan unconscious, Trunks brings Gohan back to Bulma's house quickly. Gohan recovers but his arm is still lost, he continues to train trunks but trunks still wasn't able to turn SSJ. The days pass and the androids keep on with their reign of terror. Gohan and Trunks decide to confront the androids once again. Trunks feels confident that he would win and that he is ready but Gohan thinks that he isn't and he hits Trunks leaving him unconscious so he wouldn't fight. Gohan knew he wasn't ready to fight 17 and 18. Trunks wakes up and he flies toward the city where the androids are. The city is completely destroyed and Trunks sees Gohan on the floor, dead. A storm suddenly falls over the city, Trunks sees Gohan dead on the floor, this got him really angry and it transformed him in to SSJ. Trunks decides to confront the androids once more. Trunks discovers that even in SSJ mode, he is no match for the Androids, Trunks is seriously injured and he leaves without even getting one hit to the androids. Trunks wakes up in his bed, with bandages. Bulma had taken him to her house to heal him. Bulma tells Trunks that she has been working on a time machine and a medicine which could have saved Gokou's life. Bulma tells Trunks to return to the past and give the medecine to Gokou so he could change the disaterous future. Trunks accepts. He gets inside of the time machine in which has the words "Hope" on the side of it. Trunks dissapers and returns to the timeline we now know. Bulma wishes him good luck. This is where the Trunks Story ends, but what happened afterwards... Trunks arrives at the past in the Freeza series, he kills Freeza and his men and he introduces himself to the Z warriors. It is now the Cell series, Trunks is now known as Future Trunks because the small trunks was just born, in one of the fights, Gokou had suffered from a heart attack, but Trunks gave him the medicine that Bulma gave him in the future, The androids are killed. It is now the battle versus Cell, in this, Trunks dies but he is revived with the Dragon Balls. Trunks returns to the future but nothing had changed, although now he is much stronger and he easily defeats the androids, later Cell appears and he also kills him, there is now peace in this timeline also...
