Officers In Red | ||
Bill Kinsel | John Ingle | Donny Heinze |
Craig Buchanan | Gilbert Vickers | Janice Heinze |
Renee Carrington | Randy Ingle | Donna Bridges |
Laurie McCullar | Robert Rubel | Stephanie Carrington |
Vacant | Tim Drake | Debby Goodrich |
First, to introduce myself, my name is Gilbert Vickers, and I welcome the opportunity to serve as president of our affiliate. I am married to my wife of 43 years, Cleo. We have five grown sons, four great daughters-in-law, three grandsons, six granddaughters, and another granddaughter on the way. I have been raising Texas Longhorns since 1994, but enough about me. I would like to encourage all members to join me and help reach two goals that are really important to MTLA. Number one, to increase our membership, and most importantly, join our Youth Director, Bill Kinsel, to help increase the youth membership because youth, I believe, is the backbone of our affiliate. They will be the MTLA leaders of tomorrow. This can be attained as we work together in this direction, and truly the words on our show trailer, Family, Fellowship, and Fun, will have new meaning. I'd like to welcome our newest members and board members from our recent show in Belton, Texas, and hope that you will join us in other activities we have planned for the months ahead. We have plans for a fun day in June to be hosted by Randy Ingle on Lake Granbury. You can fish, swim, bring your boat (and appetite) and get ready to make some home made ice cream. Also, we have a second show planned for September which will be a "JackPot" show. No need to worry about how to get all those trophies home, cause the cash will fit nicely in your back pocket. For Christmas, we have our third Christmas dinner and "dirty santa" gift exchange planned. We've had a lot of fun at this event the past couple of years, and the best news of all is......we pick up the tab. I'm sure you'll agree that we have a lot going for us this year, and we hope that you will make plans to join us for all of our fun events.
Happy Trails,
Welcome to another great year in the longhorn biz. We have a lot of ideas on what to do this year from maybe a day at a water park to a Jack Pot show to earn MONEY instead of RIBBONS. I am looking for more ideas and more things we can do to be social and also maybe find a service to do to give back to all the people that go out of their way to support us through-out the year. If anyone knows about a great place to maybe do a show that might not cost a bunch, so we can do a show that is put on solely by kids for adults that would be great. I am very proud of all the kids that came to the Belton Show and worked hard in the show arena. There is something you can do at every show to help out. We even put to work one of newest youngest members Tory Vorheis as one of the folks handing out awards. Again thank you to all the youth that showed their animals in Belton. Bill Kinsel
1st Place Tuff Kinsel
Intermediate Division
Teen Division
Senior Division Congratulations to all the youth who participate in the Showmanship Class, and a big thank you to our judge, John Hodges.
We would like to welcome some new members to our affiliate that signed up at our show recently. Jim Bill Dodson and Pat Ward from Easy Money Longhorns joined our affiliate on their trip down from Oklahoma. Pat and Jim Bill have been very supportive of our affiliate throughout the years, making the long drive down from Okmulgee, and we are happy to have these fierce competitors among our members. Stan & Sandi Tidwell from Falls Creek Ranch in Midlothian, Texas also joined at the show. They have been attending the shows for the past few years, and have some really nice show animals that they bring to our shows. We're happy to have some new kids on the block. Joining with their kids, Justice, Tori, and Anna, are Dirk & Carla Voorheis from Waxahachie, Texas. Just when I was learning to spell Nachadoches, someone from Waxahachie joins. We're glad to have them and hope to find out more about them at our next events. We hope you will make them feel welcome.
Jim Bill Dodson & Pat Ward 7060 Cedar Rd. Okmulgee, Ok. 74447
Falls Creek Ranch
Double J Longhorns
Our Region 11 Qualifying show was open to all exhibitors, and a review from our Belton Show reveals that we had 93 total entries from the show, with exhibitors showing from all across Texas and Oklahoma. Initially, it looks like we took in $4200 in proceeds from the show, and our expenses will be outlined shortly. We have elected new officers, and there will be a transition period in moving the accounts where Laurie has served as Treasurer for the past few years, to an account where Donna can begin managing our accounts.
We got settled in on Friday, while violent storms swept across central and north Texas. Lizz Huntzberry was our judge for the Open shows, and called to say that she was having trouble making her flight connections due to the storms. I really want to thank Lizz for making the effort to get down here despite all the trouble she had to go through. She did a wonderful job for us in the show ring evaluating our cattle. Larry Smith II had the duties of evaluating our youth show, and did a great job with the kids evaluating their cattle. John Hodges served as judge for our showmanship classes, and really put the kids through the motions in his evaluations. A big thanks to all of our judges that helped us with the show.
Helping with the loose show was Rick Baldwin, John Hodges, Ken Berryman, Gilbert Vickers, and John Ingle in the back, with Brad Hancock, Pam Kinsel and Dirk Voorheis working the show arena.
Bill Kinsel handled the microphone throughout the show, and managed control of the show from his high tower. Helping with the official books and with registrations was Robin Hancock. Handling the awards was Caroline Aydelotte, Margaret Kinsel, Joan Wilken and Pat Ward. Ring steward for the youth show was Stan Jernigan, and for the haltered show is was Brad Hancock. Working the gates were Gilbert Vickers and Donny Heinze. I want to thank everyone that helped get things set up, and then torn down and packed back in the trailer after the show. It is great to know that you can count on your volunteers to help get the job done.
Saturday night after our board meeting, we went to the Ox Bow restaurant for our social dinner. They served a rack of ribs that fell off the plate on both ends. It was yummy! Sunday morning we had our membership meeting and signed up some new members. Thanks to everyone who brought or bought an item. Lizz got the show under way and was able to move at a comfortable pace, getting done by around 3:30 pm.
With the price of gas nearing $3.00 a gallon, we weren't sure how many animals to expect for the show, so it was with a great deal of appreciation that we welcomed all of the exhibitors that made the sacrifice to support our show and our affiliate. We made cuts in our budget last year during our show planning, but even with $1500, we were still able to offer some very nice awards. Thanks to our sponsors and advertisers, we were able to take the edge off a bit more. It is truly the efforts of a good number of great people that make a show successful, and we have been truly blessed. Thank you all!
We had a Directors meeting at our show recently in Belton, Texas. Directors in attendance were, Donny Heinze, John Ingle, Renee Carrington, Bill Kinsel, Randy Ingle, Gilbert Vickers, and Donna Bridges. Tim Drake, Bob Rubel, Craig Buchanan, Janice Heinze and Laurie McCullar had asked to be excused. Our first order of business was our recent elections. Since the elections, we have lost contact with Mark Chapman, and made a motion to remove him from the board. The person receiving the next highest number of votes from the election was Stephanie Carrington, and a motion was made to accept her to the board. Debby Goodrich accepted an offer to serve our affiliate and was appointed to serve in a vacant position. This brings our Directors back to 14, and we appreciate everyone who has volunteered to serve. Our next order of business was to select officers for the upcoming year. For President, Gilbert Vickers has accepted the position. Randy Ingle accepted the nomination to serve as Vice President, and Donna Bridges agreed to serve as Secretary/Treasurer. Officer's terms are selected from our board of directors and serve for a one year term. With our new officers and board in place, we continued with our remaining business. We had been contacted by ITLA Director, Wes Watson, to submit members from our affiliate to be considered for national recognition as "Pioneer Breeder of the Year", "Breeder of the Year", and the Jim Palmer "Shock and Awe Award". Two of our members have received the Pioneer Award in recent years. Wes Watson has received the award, and last year, Bart May was recognized. Persons considered for this year's Pioneer Award who met the requirements were, Joe & Lorinda Valentine, Robert Cox, Larry Smith II, and Dale Hunt. For Breeder of the Year, nominations were Rocking B Ranch, Dave & Debby Goodrich, Stan & Jimmie Jernigan, and Easy Money Longhorns. For the Jim Palmer award, only one name was submitted. The Shock & Awe award was meant to recognize persons who supported the longhorn business through a positive approach, and drew attention in the promotion of the breed etc. For his dedication to the youth, and for his support of our youth program through the youth camps and participation awards, Randy Ingle was nominated for the Shock & Awe award. We talked about plans for our second show this year, and our thoughts were to have a jackpot show, for cash rather than awards. It would be a Region 11 show for ITLA points, and would be held possibly in the fall. Details are still being considered for this show. We also talked about the possibility of having a sale as a means of marketing our ropers and market cattle. So far this is only a discussion and no plans are concrete. Other items discussed at the meeting included the possibility of establishing a scholarship fund for our youth, the possibility of having a sale, and nominating our unsung hero for the year. Sunday morning we had our membership meeting at the Belton Show. Donny Heinze chaired the meeting as Gilbert Vickers had been called away. In attendance were Larry Smith II, Rick & Joan Baldwin, Donna Bridges, Janice Heinze, Stan Tidwell, Randy Ingle, Renee Carrington, Stephanie Carrington, Pat Ward, Debby Goodrich, John Ingle, Bill Kinsel, and Donny Heinze. We proceeded with the announcement of our new officers. No financial report was available, so we estimated our finances based on our December report. Next, our nominations were presented to the membership for consideration on the Pioneer, Breeder of the Year, and Shock and Awe awards. From the names submitted, Larry Smith II was chosen to represent MTLA as Pioneer Breeder of the year. Larry has been involved in raising and showing longhorns since he was a youth member. He's an ITLA Director, a long time MTLA member, a well respected ITLA judge, and has produced some of the top selling animals in our industry. For the Breeder of the Year, Pat Ward said that Easy Money Longhorns had received the award last year and asked to be removed from consideration. The Jernigans were chosen unanimously to represent MTLA. Stan & Jimmie have developed a well balanced breeding program which has been well represented in the show arena, and recently in the sale arena as well. They are always eager to support our affiliate and our youth program, and are well deserving of our recognition. Randy Ingle's name was submitted for RV Ranch to be recognized for the Shock & Awe award and with no other nominations coming from the membership, he was unanimously chosen to represent MTLA for this award. Discussion followed about the possibility of a jackpot show and a sale, and suggestions were taken from the members. We thanked everyone for making the sacrifice of getting to the show and supporting our affiliate, and we soon adjourned.
By way of a previous motion from the board, John Ingle was selected to represent MTLA as their Unsung Hero for 2006, and be recognized for his service to our affiliate. John donated his time to make the All Age trophies for the Belton show, and saved the affiliate a considerable amount of money for trophies of this size. His dedication to the youth, through the camps and other activities was recognized, and the board bestowed this honor unanimously. The Unsung Hero award is given by the ITLA to honor each affiliates selection of a member who goes above and beyond what might be expected. Distribution of the awards takes place at the National Convention.
At our Belton Show, we decided that we would match any donations received from our exhibitors (up to $200) to give to Brian & Dyann Foster to help with their expenses. We received $215 in donations, and matched that with our funds for a total of $415 to be donated to the Foster's. Thanks everyone who helped us raise money for this cause.
1997 Ed Frady
1998 Rick Baldwin
1999 - 2000 Darrell McClanahan
2001 - 2002 John Ingle
2003 Brad Hancock
2004 - 2005 Donny Heinze
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