TITLE: The Grand Finale
AUTHOR: Tabula "I can't believe I'm posting this" Rasa
RATING: PG-13, at most. Bad words. And Bill.
CATEGORY: H (I hope), implied MSR.
SPOILERS: Actually, a lot, but nothing specific. General
knowlege of what the show is about in general.
FEEDBACK: I always like to hear from those as warped as I:
DISTRIBUTION: If you want it, it's yours. Just tell
me, so I can get all excited.
DISCLAIMER: Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
SUMMARY: Um... Mulder and Scully’s big exit?
NOTES: Let this serve as a warning to you all: this is what
happens when you read too much fanfic! Don't yell at me about characterization:
It's humour/ humor! Oh, and it was written before the end of Season
Seven so, whatever. Maybe it's AU now.
Bill Scully, Jr., was muttering to himself as he escorted
his mother and Tara, carrying Matthew, down the hall to Dana's apartment.
He wondered what the hell she was up to, calling them all here. No
explanation, just go to her apartment at 3 pm sharp. "Who the hell
does she think she is," he grumbled.
And who the hell were all these people?
Her apartment was packed--with men. Okay, there were
two women there, but, really. And where the hell was that bastard
partner of hers anyway-- this smelled like a Fox a mile away.
Who *were* all these people?
Okay, he thought he recognized the bald guy--Dana's boss
or something. A military man, definitely, although he had a suspiciously
Marine-ish look to him. Still better then her asshole partner.
Yes, Bill thought, he would rather see Dana with a Marine then Fox Mulder.
This was a large concession on his part.
A black guy, another paper pusher no doubt, but he did have
such a disgusted look on his face he couldn't be half bad.
The girls looked okay--the one with red hair kind of reminded
him of Dana, actually. The small one with brown hair looked nervous,
like a little girl.
Bill didn't at all like the look of anyone else in the room.
The three guys huddled together? He didn't like any of them, although
one of the guys looked okay--at least he had a decent suit on. The
blond one, though, a fucking hippie. And Bill just didn't like the
vibes coming off the short one. Who the hell wears fingerless gloves?
That other guy, kind of fat with glasses, and bald with dark
hair, like that weird little troll but in a suit. Looked like another
subversive element.
The old guy standing by the window was just creepy, and that
guy hanging around him keeping his arm at his side looked like a fucking
fag to Bill.
Jesus Christ, why couldn't Dana know anyone normal?
Krycek took one look at Bill and slunk into a dark corner.
Everyone seemed to be glaring at every one else, too.
This sort of thing Bill was comfortable with, so he glared at everyone
who easily fell into his line of sight.
Dana's bedroom door suddenly opened and none other than that
son of a bitch Mulder poked his head out. He looked around, nodded
his approval, and pulled his head back inside and shut the door.
Bill saw red. What the fuck was doing in her *bed*room,
for Chrissake! He promptly regretted ever referring to him as "fucking"
in any way.
There were a few more minutes of shuffling, whispering, and
glaring until the door opened again. This time Dana came out, and
Mulder followed. They stood in front of everyone like they were holding
They were both dressed in jeans and T-shirts, which startled
the hell out of several people who had only seen them in suits. None
the less, they stood in front of the restless audience with their hands
clasped behind their backs, looking serene, happy, and completely in control.
For once.
"Thank you all for coming" Scully began smoothly, even including
a nice smile, which caused several near-faints around the room. "It's
nice that you all haven't killed each other yet. Blood is hell to
get off wood floors."
"What's this about, Agents?" Kersch interrupted impatiently.
This earned him a roomful of scowls, and Mulder and Scully frowned disapprovingly.
But only slightly.
"Now, now" Mulder said, as if chastising a child. "We
were just getting to that." He took a breath and exchanged a look with
Scully. "We're leaving."
"What?" said Skinner, before anyone else. "You mean
on vacation?"
"No," Scully said, her voice a bit colder at the incompetence
displayed before her. "We are Leaving. Quitting. Forever."
Mulder and Scully seemed quite content to wait out the hubbub.
"You can't do that" CGB Spender said, his eyes flashing,
fumbling for a cigarette.
"You can't be serious" Skinner said, his voice hard.
"What the hell is going *on*" cried Langley or Byers or Carl.
"Oh, of course" Frohike muttered.
"What's this all about?" Kersch demanded.
"Really?" Holly gasped.
"Dude!" Langley said.
"What are you trying to pull!" Bill shouted.
Kim raised an eyebrow and murmured "Good for you."
She stood to make quite a killing in the office pool.
Krycek, who thought this was quite possibly the most amusing
thing he had ever seen (since he didn't believe them for a second), snickered.
"Dana?" her mother asked, confused.
Tara, who was more confused, had wide eyes but said nothing.
Only Matthew and Mulder and Scully seemed unaffected.
"Don't you dare smoke in here" Scully warned Spender.
"We're leaving" Mulder said nonchalantly when he could be
heard, "and we're not coming back." Everyone else was actually silent while
they thought about this.
"Why?" Spender asked finally.
Scully and Mulder both shot him a look which clearly said
"I can't believe you have the balls to ask that, you black-lunged son of
a bitch. And don't you dare smoke in here."
Their faces then resumed their contented masks and Scully
shrugged. "We're tired of this. And quite frankly, we're a
bit bored with the whole thing."
"You're--what?" Krycek squeaked.
"You know," Mulder continued. "Bored. Bees, clones,
oil, aliens, viruses--it's getting a bit old. I mean, we've been
at this a long time. We've discussed this a lot," he and Scully exchanged
a glance and nodded in unison, "and Scully and I feel that we've uncovered
as much of the truth as we care to. And..." he paused dramatically
and scanned the room before another reassuring glance at Scully, "and we
just want some 'us' time now." Scully nodded in agreement.
That brought another uproar. In a quiet, shocked kind
of way. Except for Bill.
"You want some *what*?" he exploded.
"Bill" Scully said sharply, sounding bored and disgusted
with this theme of conversation, "I'm an adult. Get over it."
"But...what will you *do*?" Spender finally managed to choke
out. He couldn't possibly let Fox and Dana out of his sight.
They were so...unprotected. Naive, really. They were so involved
in his little shadow world that they had no clue about how harsh the real
world actually was. And now they were just planning to up and leave?
They couldn't do that. Why, Fox hadn't correctly filed one tax return
his entire life...who the hell did they think they were?
"Oh, you know" Mulder said lightly in response. "Whatever.
I think we'll manage to keep ourselves entertained." He leered.
Frohike started to sniff loudly.
Skinner felt ill.
Krycek felt ill.
Spender felt smug, which he let show, and a little ill, which
he didn't.
Byers was mad as hell--Now, why didn't I think of that, he
Maggie blushed.
It took Bill, who was not so fluent in Mulder leers, or his
preferred method of entertainment, a moment to figure it out, but when
he did, he went blind and couldn't move with fury, which was lucky for
Mulder, and, it seemed, for Scully.
"Well," Kim said efficiently, "good for you." She had
plenty of things in the office to distract her from the loss of Agent Mulder,
after all.
"Yes," Holly said, brightening, "that sounds nice."
Scully wondered with some regret why she had so few female
friends when they were obviously the only sensible ones in the room.
Carl was wondering why he hadn't joined the FBI and gotten
a kick ass partner like Agent Scully. And then he remembered about
"I do own four houses in high-rent areas" Mulder pointed
out. "I'm not exactly destitute."
"Where will you go?" Krycek asked sulkily. This wasn't
fair. First Marita, and now Mulder?
Mulder and Scully looked at him like a rat they found in
the trash. "Like we're going to tell any of *you*" Mulder said, disgusted
and haughty.
Scully remembered that it usually wasn't wise to let Mulder
talk this much, and stepped forward from where she had been hanging back.
"Now" she snapped, "there's a reason we're informing all of you of our
decision, and it *isn’t* common courtesy, since you've haven't exactly
extended that to us."
Frohike would have liked to beg differently, but decided
he would rather live.
Scully continued. "We want to be left alone.
No phone taps, no late night visits or calls--of any kind" she shot a threatening
look at CGB. "And no shooting at us, drugging our water, mysterious
errands, kidnapping us, messing with our memories, running us off the road,
missing time, siblings or children, black helicopters, bounty hunters,
or clones!"
"And no bees! We just want to be left alone" Mulder
"You leave us alone, we leave you alone" Scully finished.
"Wh-what about colonization?" Skinner stuttered, at about
the same time Frohike asked "What about your work?" They didn't notice
their apparent psychic connection, but later it would disturb both of them
"Well, we've thought about that" Mulder said, sounding bored,
"and, the thing is...*we* are immune."
"And the rest of you can go to hell" Scully finished primly.
"Besides," and she glanced flirtatiously at Mulder before finishing coyly,
"we would be the last two people left on earth." Mulder leered with
happiness and then they made eyes at each other and batted their eyelashes.
Everyone else felt ill again. Kersch snorted in disgust.
Was he the only one in this room *not* in love with Mulder and/or Scully?
Skinner was getting desperate. He didn't know which
one of them he wanted more, but was sure he did want one of them.
At least...
"Dana," her mother said hesitantly, "are you sure you've
thought this through?"
Scully sighed. "Yes, mom. I--we--have thought
about this for quite a long time. Really, there's nothing else we'd
rather do." She turned and surveyed the room carefully, her lips
curling up in a pleased smirk, and raised an eyebrow elegantly. "I
guess you should have appreciated us when we were around."
"Save your own asses from the damn aliens!" Mulder added
with great gusto, before they disappeared into Scully's room, keeping the
door open. No one moved until they reappeared lugging suitcases.
"Goodbye" Scully said airily, which started off another round.
Spender pulled out his cellphone, but, ultimately, couldn't
make the call.
"Goodbye!" Holly waved cheerfully.
Bill shouted that he was going to get Mulder's ass for corrupting
his baby sister.
Krycek muttered to himself in Russian about the unfairness
of other people getting Mulder's ass.
Maggie started to cry. Matthew started to cry.
Tara tried to comfort them both.
"Scully, wait!" Skinner called desperately.
Frohike, resigned, noticed Skinner's secretary.
"Get away from me, you creep" Kim said.
Byers was busy coming up with an escape plan of his own.
"Mulder!" he shouted. He wanted to get some pointers; Suzanne might
take some convincing.
Langley swore he was sticking to hacker friends and D&D
buddies from now on. "What's up?" he said to Carl.
Kersch rolled his eyes at all of them and tried to leave.
Putting their suitcases in the car, Mulder and Scully looked
at each other and laughed.