Learning Styles
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Learning Styles

Everyone has their own learning style.  This comes about as a result of our natural preferences and successes. 

Visual Learners

   Visual Learners cartoon
Do you like to see a graphic or physical representation of what we are talking about?
Do visual aides help you to remember what went on in class?
Do you follow directions from the picture instead of the words?
Would you rather see a map than read directions?
Do you say things like, "I see what you are saying" or "as I see it"

If you answered yes to two or more of these questions you are most likely a visual learner.  You are best suited to seek information in text with images, Powerpoint™ presentations, videos or acted out scenarios.

Visual Learners
Characteristics of Visual Learners

Visual learners learn best by seeing information. The following characteristics are typical of many individuals with strong visual processing skills:

1. Information presented in pictures, charts, or diagrams is easily remembered.
2. Visual learners have strong visualization skills. They can look up (often up to the left) an "see" the information invisibly written or drawn.
3. Visual learners can make "movies in their minds" of information they are reading. Their movies are often vivid and detailed.
4. Visual-spatial skills such as sizes, shapes, textures, angles, and three-dimensional depths are strong.
5. Visual learners often pay close attention to the body language of others (facial expressions, eyes, stance, etc.)
6. Visual learners have a keen awareness of the aesthetics, the beauty of the physical environment, visual media, or art.

Audio Learners    

                        Audio Learners cartoon
Do you prefer to listen to the radio or a lecture instead of watching a demonstration? 
Do you like talking more than writing?
Do you talk to yourself?
Do you use statements like, "I hear what you are saying" ?

If you answered yes to two or more of these questions you are most likely an audio learner.  You are best suited to seek information in a lecture, tape or CD recordings, www sites with sound bytes, and monologue/dialogue format.

Auditory Learners
Characteristics of Auditory Learners

Auditory learners learn best by hearing information. They can usually remember information more accurately when it has been explained to them orally. The following characteristics are typical of individuals with strong auditory processing skills:

1. Auditory learners can remember quite accurately details of information they hear during conversations or lectures.
2. They have strong language skills, which include a well-developed vocabulary and an appreciation for words.
3. The strong language skills often lead to strong oral communication skills. They can carry on interesting conversations and can articulate their ideas clearly.
4. Because of a "fine tuned ear," auditory learners may find learning a foreign language to be relatively easy.
5. Auditory learners often have musical talents. They can hear tones, rhythms, and individual notes with their strong auditory skills.

Kinesthetic Learners


Kinesthetic Learners cartoonDo you think better when you are moving around?
Do you gesture a lot when you are talking?
Do you find it hard to sit still?
Would you rather take something apart to see how it works?
Do you say things like, "get in touch with" or "hold it!"

If you answered yes to two or more of these questions you are most likely a kinesthetic learner.  You are best suited to seek information in classes with have group exercises that allow for hands on work with a tangible product.  Get involved in groups that create scenarios and role play.    

Kinesthetic Learners
Characteristics of Kinesthetic Learners

Kinesthetic learners learn best by moving their bodies, activating their large or small muscles as they learn. These are the "hands-on learners" or the "doers" who actually concentrate better and learn more easily when movement is involved. The following characteristics are often associated with kinesthetic learners.

1. Kinesthetic learners often wiggle, tap their feet, or move their legs when they sit.
2. Kinesthetic learners were often labeled "hyperactive" as children.
3. Because they learn through movement, kinesthetic learners often do well as performers: athletes, actors, or dancers.
4. Kinesthetic learners work well with their hands. They may be good at repairing work, sculpting, art, or working with various tools.
5. Kinesthetic learners are often well coordinated and have a strong sense of timing and body movement.

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