Maki Shinichi
              It might seem peculiar to say that Maki Shinichi has led a privileged and sheltered life. But it is true. He was blessed with a keen intelligence, endowed with a great physique and strength, possesses a face that though not charming, is handsome in its own way and born into a well to do family. And as far as I know, he has not undergone any hardships. 
            But it would be unfair to say that he did not put in any effort. Maki is a high flyer and he got to where he is with both natural assets and hard work. His diligence and drive to triumph put him in a very good stead to succeed in life. 
            He is one of the most macho guys in 'Slam Dunk', although his machismo is undercutted by his pettiness, vanity and showiness. He is a solemn person but he bears nonsense and idiocy rather well; mainly by ignoring them. His elderly appearance probably has a lot to do with his serious and dignified air. And he does possess one of the more mature personalities amongst the Kanagawa basketball players. His good sense serves him well and he carries himself with a pride and honour befitting his person. 
            Although Maki gets along well with other people, he is not the sociable sort. He seems perfectly happy to be alone. And as with many other 'Slam Dunk' characters, he is an egomaniac.   
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