[Format by Chris Curtis]  

To anyone who may be interested in what my views are about using material that is found on this site. Generally, I only have three "rules":

I created this site to allow other fans to follow our campaign and to be able to role-play within the universe we have created. As such, you are free to download, save, print out, and use any and all of the material on this site as much as you like for your own or your gaming group's use.

However, I ask that you not claim, either directly or by implication, ownership or original authorship of any of the material on this site. In other words, don't claim them as your own.

In addition, I ask that no material from this site be posted anywhere else on the World Wide Web, UseNet, or other electronic or non-electronic medium without prior express written approval of both the web master and the author. i.e. ask before you post anything anywhere.

 I just want to make sure that the authors are given whatever credit we're due and that none of the material on this page ends up somewhere else without permission.

Here are the legal disclaimers and notices regarding the material found on this site.

This web site, and everything on it, is copyright © 1998, 1999 Scott Murphy aka 'Jade', All rights reserved. Works by other respective authors are also copyright © 1998, 1999

Some content on this site is based on original characters, situations, and objects as represented in the Star Wars trilogy of motion pictures and other authorized Star Wars material. STAR WARS copyright © 1977 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1980, 1983, 1996 Lucas film Ltd. Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and their associated logos are registered trademarks of Lucas film Ltd.

This page is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by Lucas film Ltd. Access to this web site is free and public. All Lucas film Ltd. copyright materials at this web site are employed under Fair Usage terms of copyright law. Therefore Lucas film intellectual property rights are unaffected and undiminished.

What this effectively means is that I am not, to my knowledge, infringing upon any property rights held by anyone with regards to this page.

I'm not sure that this is the most appropriate place to do this, but I don't know where else I would put it. That said, I'd like to thank a few people who have had something to do with this page.

Tim "Nealos" Salam deserves some big thanks for his continuing support of this site. His encouragement, kind words, comments, and suggestions have been very helpful in improving this site immensely. Be sure to check out his own page: The Star Wars Supplement Resource Center.

Stewart Werely has done many of the pictures of my ships on this page, and has helped me learn Corel Draw 7 and has been a continuing source of inspiration, comments, and suggestions have been very helpful in improving this site. Be sure to check out his page: Smilin Drex Furlows Stockyard.

Chris Curtis has also given me much advice and has helped this site be a better site.

But most importantly I would like to thank my wife Samantha, and my daughter Jasmine, for their love and support.  None of this would be possible without them.  

Of course, a big thanks should go out to West End Games, and for the many talented people that work there [or in most cases left there] for creating such an incredible role-playing game.  

This list would definitely be incomplete without thanking the creator and visionary force (no pun intended) behind the Star Wars universe, George Lucas.