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Blogging by Richard
August 26, 2004
My first blog entry
Mood:  cool
Topic: General
Wow! The honor of being able to blog. I can't quite find the words to express such a feeling. I mean, to be one of the few to have a blog. Such honor, such honor... Of course, I think millions probably already blog now. In fact, blogging may not be cool anymore. Even worse, most blogs probably go unnoticed by the public. Maybe even like this blog!

So why am I doing this, if no one is ever to notice? The heck that I know. I just can't deny the magnetism of "the blog." It draws you in and BOOM! You are mesmerized by it, by its blogness. And so, now a slave, atleast temporarily, to the blog, I must post to it. And this, being my first post, I am done.

Richard thought this at 7:33 PM EDT

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