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Blogging by Richard
September 13, 2004
First race in 37 months ends very well
Topic: Sports
My first race in 37 months finished very well, I'm glad to say. I raced in HFP's sprint triathlon (750 m swim, 20k bike, 5k run) at Portage Lakes this past Sunday. This being my 25th multi-sport event, I knew how to prepare, and going through my preperations (now as a vegetarian), all went as well as could be. My swim was a typical middle of the pack sort of swim. I managed only to get clobbered by an arm in the head once. The bike was a rather strong bike, though ranked only 60th in the race, timewise, I was able to hold a strong enough pace, and thanks to the hills, made some passes. My run, ranked 11th overall in the race, made up for my weaknesses in the swim and bike, as usual. I felt real strong, storming out of the transition into the run. With about 3/4 of a mile left, I actually ran out of age groupers or even guys in general to pass. I only had four racers within 200 meters of me! The rest was very open. So I passed those four racers and finished with a 29th overall position out of 182 finishers, and a 5th place age group (25-29) placement.

Not too bad for a person who hasn't done this in 37 months. I plan on racing atleast one 5k this up coming weekend.

Richard thought this at 6:23 PM EDT

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