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Blogging by Richard
September 18, 2004
Another day, another race
Topic: Sports
Today I ran in a 5k race in Akron. The race was relatively local and started at 9:30, so I got to sleep in unlike last Sunday's triathlon wakeup time of 5 AM. It was a nice day to run, a bit chilly for mid-September, but I'm always prepared for such things, with my swooshy pants and windbreaker. It was a bit breezy, which didn't help the breathing early on in the race.

Warmed up running the course, a slightly uphilly first half to the turn around and then reverse the grades for the run back to the finish. I did notice something rather humorous before the race. I was looking at people's sneakers. I had never seen so many gleaming white running sneakers all huddled together before in my life... and this was my 49th race! I looked at my worn down, no longer gleaming white, sneakers. I pondered, this group would be easy to beat, a weak field if you may. The question remained, how many serious runners were going to be mixed in with this crowd of gleaming white sneaker owning every other weekend warriors?

I snuck in near the front right before the start. Then we were off. I manuevered up ahead, so that I wouldn't waste time getting around those that would ultimately finish behind me. By the first quarter mile, the race took shape. I was in the top 5, a place I would go no further below. The winner was already choosen. He was about 20 meters ahead early on. I figured, he was going to win without a doubt. He did. So me and three other runners were packed together, trading positions for a mile. I surged up the hill, momentarily taking 2nd spot, another would surge after the hill, I was in fifth right before the turnaround. I made a pass for fourth at the turnaround and then for some reason people were grabbing for water in a 5k in 60 degree weather? I took advantage and snagged 3rd as well. Me and a competitor would swap that position for the remainder of the race. I was tired though. I was stealing looks back to see if I could hold onto 4th... which I could, but I had to keep my pace up. So I made an attempt to kick at the end to make sure those in 5th and 6th didn't get any funny ideas about reaching me. I took 3rd for a few seconds, hoping the guy I just passed didn't have a kick either. He did have a kick and trounced me in the end. Happifully though, I kept my 4th place finish overall intact and crossed the line with a happy, though not astonishing 18:50 (6:04 mile pace). I was right, the field would be easy to beat.

I was first in my non-competitive age-group, but I'll take what I can get. Its nice to win a trophy every once in a while. I think my next race with be in mid-October, a local race next door, so that should be fun. It will be my 50th race. Then there is a Turkey Trot in November. I'll need to look some races up. Until then, its just nice being back in the racing.

Richard thought this at 4:50 PM EDT

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