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Blogging by Richard
October 28, 2004
More Liberal Tricks
Topic: Humor
-Newsmax 10/28/04

Much anticipation is leading up to the current 2004 Presidential elections, where a polarized nation awaits to voted on November 2nd. Lawyers are lining up to head to court to send the election into a long process of litigation. The liberals, however, couldn't wait, and have sued Mars Incorporated. The lawsuit, which can be read here, lists among many complaints that the company is broadcasting commercials on television and radio without even identifying that they are a political commericial. The lawsuit further states that the law requires political advertisements to announce who funded the said advertisements. The liberals claim that the Mars Corporation, who isn't even listed under the IRS as a "527" organization, does not do either of these tasks and that this has given George W. Bush an unfair advantage in political advertising.

The liberals wouldn't stop at attacking free speech though. In fact, the liberals have asked a federal court to prohibit sales of Mars Corporation candies which, according to the lawsuit, "Prominently acts as an advertisment" for the candidate seeking re-election. The candies in question can be bought at virtually any grocery or convenience store. Additional lawsuits have been threatened by these liberals towards the stores that sell what they call "irrefutible endorsements" towards George W. Bush. Walmart has already announced that they will pull the candies to avoid the lawsuit.

The liberals have shown what distaste they have for free speech and the free capitalistic market and should be killed at once! Calls to the liberals who have launched the lawsuit went unanswered. Attempts to throw rocks at their office went unsucessfully. Calls to the Mars Corporation are still lost somewhere in the automated answering system.

Richard thought this at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: October 30, 2004 10:17 AM EDT

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