
|-Pelecanimimus polyodon
   |-Harpymimus okladnikoui
         |-Archaeornithomimus asiaticus
         |-Archaeornithomimus bisektensis
         |-Garudimimus brevipes
               |-Gallimimus bullatus
               |-Gallimimus mongoliensis
               |  |
               |  |-?Deinocheirini (non official clade)
               |     |-Deinocheirus mirificus
               |-Anserimimus planinychus
                     |-Dromiceiomimus brevitertius
                     |-Dromiceiomimus samueli
                     |-Ornithomimus velox
                     |-Ornithomimus edmontonensis
                     |-Ornithomimus antiquus
                     |-Ornithomimus lonzeensis
                     |-Ornithomimus sedens
                     |-Struthiomimus altus

These are the ostrich-mimic dinosaurs. They were all toothless, except for Harpymimus
and Pelecanimimus. They lived in North-America and Asia (Pelecanimimus is known from Spain) during the
late Cretaceous, and were 2-6 metres long (maybe upto 10 in Deinocheirus)
They had no defencive systems, except for long powerfull feet to run with, and maybe even
deliver a lethal kick if cornered.
Theyr feet had only three toes (except for all species excluded from Ornithomiminae), and their
top speed could have been upto 80-90 km.p.h., the same speed as an african ostrich on a good day.

Their diet has been discussed, since they had this toothless long beak.
Pelecanimius had over 200 teeth in the lower jaw, and a throut pouch. This probably had the
same effect as the pouch of a pelican (hence the name) and the diet was probably the same.
When it comes to the rest of the Ornithomimids, they probably was omnivorous; having one favourite
kind of food, but allso accepting anything else that could fill their needs.




Copyright 2001 © Øyvind M. Padron, all rights reserved