Séries générales




The Golden Door

America: a Nation of Immigrants

The Frontier: Moving West

Mainstream America

Racial Issues




homework board

How to search the Internet





for 2001 Oral Exam


Extra Background



The Golden Door


Basic Concepts: the origin of the American Dream, the 1st wave of immigration, Puritan life in Massachussets, witchcraft trials, Mc Carthism






The American Myth - extract from "The Grandmothers" by Glenway Wescott

The communal society extract from "The Crucible"by Arthur Miller

Extra Material given in class:

xerox: The Growth of America, background to beginning of America, iconographic document (The Puritans), film on witchcraft trials in Europe.

Witchcraft Hysteria in Salem

The Crucible Project

Background Information

Why did Miller write the Crucible?

on Arthur Miller

The Crucible:  Fact and Fiction

America's Homepage (photos and links to the Pilgrim's World)

Provincetown-The Pilgrims' First Landfall

Mayflower Web Pages

Many interesting links to Colonial period

An American Thanksgiving

Recommended Films: The Witches of Salem, Guilty by Suspicion




A Nation of Immigrants


Basic Concepts: the different waves of immigration, Ellis Island, the growth of a nation,The Chicanos, melting pot x salad bowl-mosaic

Fievel, An American Tail - film by Steven Spielberg

Eloy Musquiz, the Chicano - extract from "Texas" by James Michener

Mother of Exiles -article by Art Buchwald

Extra Material given in class: iconographic documents (A Bridge in the Sky and Ways and Means)

An American Tail Homepage 1
An American Tail Homepage 2

Ellis Island
Photographs Immigration and Ellis Island

IMDB (internet movie data base)
West Side Story Homepage
IMDB (internet movie data base)

Recommended Films: America, West Side Story, The Birth of a Nation

Recommended Articles - Rights, and Wrongs, of Passage -article from Time Magazine January 22, 2001



The Frontier
Moving West



Basic Concepts: how the USA grew, European X American concept of frontier, mobility (on the road), Manifest Destiny.


On the Oregon Trail - extract from " "by Arlo

Mother Road - extract from

The New Frontier - John Kennedy's acceptance address at the Democratic National Convention in L.A. (July 15th, 1960)

Extra Material given in class: iconographic documents (life on the frontier), Americana,

Recommended Films: The Grapes of Wrath, westerns, Easy Rider



Mainstream America


American Work Ethic - extract from "The Great Gatsby" by
.It's Downright Un-american - article by Art Buchwald

Extra Material given in class:

 Gatsby Links (project,themes, the narrator, beginner's guide)

 The 1920's

Recommended Films: The Great Gatsby