Internet Providers

This page contains information about internet service providers and the services they provide: Internet access, web page hosting, email and news groups
  Internet Provider References There are a lot of ISPs. Find out what they are.
  Internet Services Here are some specific ISPs.

Internet Provider References

DSL Reports Large repository of information about DSL. Great query engine that help you determine how far you are from your Central office.

D/FW Internet Providers All of the ISPs included in these tables meet the following criteria:

  • Flat rate for dial-up SLIP/PPP access with "unlimited" usage. (Note that ISPs define "unlimited usage" in various ways. If you expect your usage to be extremely heavy, make sure that you understand your ISP's definition of "unlimited usage.")
  • Accessible via local or toll-free call (modem and customer service).
  • Complete Internet service (Email, newsgroups, WWW, etc.).
  • Dial-up access available at speeds up to at least 28.8 Kbps.

    Verizon Participating ADSL ISPs List of ISPs that use GTE to provide ADSL access to the internet. Organized by state.

    Harry Tennant & Associates Harry Tennant runs polls and does surveys and other tests of Internet Service Providers.

    Internet Access Providers 10,000 Internet ACCESS Providers. This total only includes ACCESS providers - Each company is only counted once, even if they have listings in more than one area code.

    Internet Service Provider List's "The List" is the definitive buyer's guide to Internet Service Providers--those companies that provide access to the Internet. "The List" allows you to find a provider that offers the access speed and computing services that satisfy your needs and budget.

    Internet Services

    ADSL Experience Text of the experience of one person with Cable and ADSL.

    Dallas Internet Home Page Normal ISP. Also provides service for ADSL. Provides a wide variety of dialup, ADSL, ISDN and T1 accounts for Internet access and web hosting.

    Internet America Home Page One of the first ISPs in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Provides normal kinds of access. No sign of support for ADSL yet.

    The Internet Connection Normal ISP providing normal kinds of access. No word on ADSL.

    NetZero This is a free internet service provider. They have local numbers, and free 56k access. The reason it free is because it puts a small window of banner ads in one of the corners of your screen. They also have free email, but use Yahoo or hotmail, bigfoot or another free service.

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    Last modified Fri Oct 26 20:48:07 2001.