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Robin Cook - Chromosome 6

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Chromosome 6 - Robin Cook, 1997
   Jack Stapleton and Laurie Montgomery, both known characters from previous Cook novels, work
in the New York city morgue as forensic pathologists. When a body of a criminal is taken before the autopsy can be done, they begin to suspect that not only the mafia is involved in this case. The investigation leads to Ecuatorial Guinea, where a powerful company has the government in its pocket in order to execute a grotesque plan. Meanwhile, in the little African country, something has gone terribly wrong and the scientists working on the project will have to face the horrible truth: the plan was carelessly carried out and something beyond their control has been created. But the company and the people working for it care about just one thing and that's the profits of the operation. They'll do their best to shut up the suspicions. At any cost.
  Once again, Cook plots a medical thriller. Having read some of his countless works, I found Chromosome 6 disappointing. Instead of being a mystery (and believe me, he could have made it that way) the secret is given very early in the story and the rest is very uneventful. Robin Cook fails to deliver the same formula that makes every one of his novels a bestseller. The material is interesting but the plotting, having some good twists, is weak. We all know that his prose isn't all that good, but at least before he managed to weave an interesting story. Hopefully, he'll notice what a failure this novel is and begin writing again like the old master of the medical thriller.