

Value Characteristic Points
10 STR 0
23 DEX 39
10 CON 0
10 BODY 0
14 INT 4
11 EGO 2
14 PRE 4
18 COM 4
8/10 PD 6
8/10 ED 6
6/8 SPD 27
4/8 REC 0
20/40 END 0
50/70 STUN 30
  Total 122

Points Powers END
60 Multipower (90-pt reserve); OIF: -½  
u-6 12d6 Energy Blast; Range: 450; Versus: ED; Armor Piercing: 1, +½; OIF: -½ 9
u-6 18d6 Mind Control; Communication: Verbal, +0; OIF: -½ 9
u-6 9d6 Energy Blast; Range: 450; Versus: ED; No Normal Defense: +1; OIF: -½ 9
62 Over & Above  
(2) +2 ED  
(2) +2 PD  
(20) +2 SPD  
(8) +4 REC  
(10) +20 END  
(20) +20 STUN  
20 Elemental Control (30-pt reserve); OIF: -½  
a-20 Force Field (30 PD/30 ED); OIF: -½ 6
b-20 30" Flight (NC: 60"); Non-Combat Multiplier: ×2, +0; OIF: -½ 6
5 Instant Change; Clothes: One Set, 5  
143 Total Powers  

Points Skills, Talents, Perks Roll
15 Find Weakness; Attack Type: One, +0 12-
9 +3 level w/Tight Group  
24 Total Skills, Talents, Perks  

100+ Disadvantages
15 Secret Identity: Barbara Ann Wilson
20 Hunted by Injustice (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0
15 Hunted by Black Rose (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0
15 by the Council (8-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: None, +0; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Hunting, ×1; Punishment: Harsh, 0
20 Code Against Killing (Common, Total)
15 Protects Normals (Common, Strong)
15 Protective of Twilight (Uncommon, Total)
20 DNPC- Jimmy Hart, manager (Incompetent, 11-); Skills: Normal, +0
10 Enraged w/ throat targeted (11-, 11-); Circumstances: Common, +10
20 Vulnerability to Cold Attacks (2× STUN); Attack: Common, +10
10 Vulnerability to Cold Attacks (1½× BODY); Attack: Common, +10
175 Total Disadvantages

COSTS: Char.   Powers   Total Total   Disadv.   Base   Exp.
  122 + 167 = 289 289 = 175 + 100 + 14

OCV DCV ECV Mental Def. PD/rPD ED/rED Phases
8 8 4 0 40/30 40/30 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12