Keeper of Infinite Earths - Protectors Academy

Created by Bob Justice & Eric Doyle

Shockwave 2
Alter Ego:
James Doyle Erickson
Occupation: Student
Known Relatives: Doyle "Shock Wave" Ericson, father-deceased, Andrea Ericson, mother
Group Affiliation: The Protectors Academy
Base of Operations: New York, NY

James did not have a lot of quality time with his father and, then, as so often seems to happen, it was far too late. The theory is that prior to Solomon Wave’s demise, he transferred his original powers to his son. Now able to project force waves with an affinity with the earth, his mother was at wit’s end. Andrea brought him to the Protectors for training and he became a charter member of the Junior Protectors, quickly becoming the ‘leader’ of the kids. He looks at the kids as his family, making him the big brother of the crew, a position slightly complicated by his falling in love with Cristy Talis, Hummingbird. He recently changed his codename from Ripple to honor his father.

James is the thinker of the bunch, the most responsible and most under control, except when innocents are threatened. Knowing that his father buckled under the strain of the tremendous power he had been granted makes James more cautious than most. His idolizing of Sound Wave coupled with learning the how to’s of superheroics from All American made him learn tactics and strategy. He has learned to use his powers creatively and is focused on becoming the kind of hero his father wanted to be and the kind of man Sound Wave would approve of to marry his daughter.

Champions Character Sheet