Keeper of Infinite Earths - Circle of Justice

Created by Bob justice

Crimson Tide
Alter Ego:
Dan Steele
Occupation: College student, marine sciences
Known Relatives: Garrett & Jean Steele, parents
Group Affiliation: Circle of Justice
Base of Operations: New York, NY, later Atlanta, GA

Garrett and Jean met and fell in love working at Oak Ridge, TN on the research that led to the building of the Atomic Bomb. They handled various radioactive substances with varying degrees of protection: They saw no sign of ill effects from those days and went on to become successful scientists in business. It was difficult for them to have a child, but eventually, they had a healthy baby boy. Dan was very bright and seemed perfectly normal until the day he disappeared in the swimming pool. At his 13th birthday party, he was swimming with his friends, went to the bottom of the deep end, and didn’t come up. There was no sign of him for a few tense moments and then, he came up out of nowhere. He claimed to have felt odd, almost as if he had completely relaxed and passed out. Publicly, they chalked it up to a trick of the light and him eating to soon for swimming. His parents knew something odd had happened and began a battery of tests. At first, the only sign of his being different after the pool incident was the strange sweating that he seemed to always do, no matter the temperature. Then, one morning, he didn’t get up from bed. His parents checked and the bed seemed empty, except for a huge reddish wet spot that was shaped like his sleeping position. Before their startled eyes, Dan began to reform from the puddle. At first, he was a pinkish liquid form like a detailed jello mold of his normal self and then, he was perfectly normal. With effort, he discovered that he could transform himself into a watery form and control most liquids. He could draw on an outside water source and grow. He seemed to have near total control of his molecules because no matter how far he spread or how much liquid he mixed with, he could always pull himself back together. Being raised in Alabama, he took the codename ‘Crimson Tide’ and decided to become a superhero. Once he had made a name for himself, he went to the Circle of Justice to get training from experienced heroes and joined the team.

His parents had been very active in various charities and such, perhaps due to a little guilt over the work they had done in building the Atom Bomb. Just a typical good Southern boy who took after his parents, he just wanted to help people with his powers and, due to their nature, became extremely interested in Marine Sciences and Biology.

Champions Character Sheet