Down through time, there has always been problems that a normal mage or psychic cannot deal with. For some unknown reason, there were people born to deal with these situations. They are known as Mystic Protectors. The Author recommends that are only played by mature players and it is recommended that the player who wish to play this class have read novels from the Mercedes Lackey "Di Tregard" series and/or from some Wiccan or Druidic Literature. There are several reasons for this. In some cases, a GM may direct a player to a specif action. A player may figure out how they will perform the action but many players may resent this.
Mystic Protections can be played in either Beyond the Supernatural or Nightbane. In Nightbane, it gives an alternative class that is fighting the evil. A Mystic Protector can either be a magic wielder or a psychic.
Alignment: Good alignments only
Race: Human Only (A mutant animal mage /psychic might be able
to be a Mystic Protector because they are mostly human in genetics)
O.C.C.: Any mage or psychic class other than those that are
exclusively evil
P.P.E.: Normal as per class but mages add +20 PPE in Beyond
the Supernatural and +40 PPE in Nightbane. While others can detect this
P.P.E. at all times, the mage can only use this Potential Energy when other
are in trouble. Mystic Protectors always regenerate their P.P.E. at twice
normal rate.
Psionics: As per class. Sorcerers in Nightbane have +25% to
their roll for psionics
I.S.P.: Normal as per class but psionics add +20 ISP in Beyond
the Supernatural and +40 ISP in Nightbane. While others can detect this
I.S.P. at all times, the mage can only use this Inner Strength when other
are in trouble. Mystic Protectors always regenerate their I.S.P. at twice
normal rate.
Special Abilities: Sense Evil (Supernatural) at 500 feet. The
Mystic Protector also has the ability to sense situations that require
their attention. This ability is under the control of the game master and
can be a great plot tool to get player characters into trouble.
Weaknesses: If a person specifically requests their help, the
Mystic Protector must save against possession or immediately help that
person. This save doe not get any of the standard bonuses from O.C.C. or
high statistics but may be mitigated by the game master under some circumstance.
If a Mystic Protector does not act to help others, the character will not
be able access any of their extra P.P.E. but other will still detect it.
If a Mystic Protector knowing does evil, they will loose 75% of their P.P.E.
until they do some form of cleansing ritual.
Bonuses: +5 to Horror factor, +3 to save against magic, psionics,
and possession. Mystic Protectors also have +25% to recover from Coma and
[Beyond the Supernatural ® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.]
By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Copyright © 1998, Kitsune. All rights reserved.