You can have the equipment, you can have the vehicles, but sometimes people need help with the adventures as well. This is the reason why a section for adventures has been created. Some of the adventures are organised in the Hook, Line, and Sinker format while others are in more complete formats.
Rifts Earth
HL&S Adventures volume 2 by
Dale Hanson (06/02/2002)
Additional small Hook, Line, and Sinker Adventures.
Blood Angel of the Desert by
Kitsune. (08/15/2000)
Adventure about vampires from vampire kingdom coming North and attempting
to set up a new kingdom.
Black Wolf of the Pack by
Kitsune. (05/20/2000)
Adventure based on stopping a marauding Dogboy
To Steal a Battleship by
Kitsune. (03/19/2002)
Adventure based on the Stealing of the USS Alabama being rebuilt by Golden Age
Just Another Border Skirmish by
Kitsune. (03/19/2002)
Phase World Adventure about a border system attacked by pirates.
The Tools of Statecraft by
Kitsune. (07/17/1999)
Phase World Adventure based on characters trying to find out the
truth about murders that rock the planet of New Coventry.