Bionic Finger Equipment& Weapons:
Some of the cybernetics from the main Rifts book but each has been modified

Finger Camera: A tiny still camera fits inside the tip of one finger. The camera can shoot 48 photos on a tiny microchip and is designed to automatically adjust for low light and bright light exposures.
Cost: 1,200 credits. Recording Micro-Chip costs about 50 credits each and takes about 30 seconds to reload.

Finger Video Camera: A tiny video camera that fits into the tip of one finger. The camera transmits to the via a headjack and optic nerve implant. Video camera is very useful to see around corners without being exposed to fire. If used to fire around a corner, shoot has no bonuses other that if the gun has laser targeting. There are four special features that can be added to the video camera. Only one feature can be added to a finger. Possible additions are light amplification, thermo imaging, ultraviolet visions, and telescopic augmentation (x10)
Cost: 4,000 credits, 2,000 credits to add an additional feature.

Fingerjack: The artificial finger can plug directly into communication systems, radios, sensory equipment, and robots, and receive/transmit direct data transmissions. Note: Needs amplified hearing or other cybernetic/ bionic ear augmentation to receive or transmit audio data. Needs an optic nerve implant to receive video transmissions
Cost: 2,400 credits.

Finger mounted Micro Automatic Lock Pick: Retracts to within finger when not in use. Normally a black market item. The automatic lock pick works by throwing all pins at the same time and never damages a lock. It will work on all types of locks (Tumbler, spool, regular, or mushroom)
Cost: 4,000 credits

Finger Utility Tool Mount: Special power socket mounted in tip of finger and uses a powerful motor. Used as a power drill, screwdriver, or socket driver. Tool can also be set to only have a certain torque so that object has the proper torque.
Cost: 1,000 credits

Finger Mini Light: In the tip of the finger is a small but powerful light that has a beem about 100 feet long. Uses either a micro E-Cell (Same used in most finger equipment) in finger or a small E-clip to power the laser tool. Micro E-Cell has a 6 hour duration and short E-Clip has a duration of about 4 months. Use of light does not drain E-Clip significantly if use occasionally.
Cost: 800 credits

Laser Utility Finger: A simple laser tool similar to the laser soldering torch. Uses either a micro E-Cell (Same used in most finger equipment) in finger or a small E-clip to power the laser tool
SDC Damage: Two settings, 1D6 or 3D6 per blast.
Range: 50 feet (15 m).
Rate of Fire: Up to 4 per melee.
Payload: 36 low powered blasts (Heavy blasts cost three low power blast) per micro E-Cell. A new micro E-cell can be exchanged in one round and can be recharged in 30 minutes in a recharger. Can also use a small E-Clip that gives 300 low powered blasts
Cost: 5,000 credits.

Laser Finger Blaster: A tiny mega-damage laser weapon contained in a finger. Uses either a micro E-Cell (Same as used in most finger equipment) in finger or a small E-clip to power the laser blaster
Mega-Damage: 1D4
Effective Range: 300 feet (91 m)
Rate of Fire: Up to 3 per melee.
Payload: 6 blasts per micro E-Cell. A new micro E-cell can be exchanged in one round and can be recharged in 30 minutes in a recharger. Can also use a small E-Clip that gives 12 additional blasts.
Cost: 20,000 credits

Ion Finger Blaster: A tiny mega-damage ion weapon contained in a finger. Uses either a micro E-Cell (Same used in most finger equipment) in finger or a small E-clip to power the ion blaster
Mega-Damage: 1D6
Effective Range: 200 feet (61 m)
Rate of Fire: Up to 3 per melee.
Payload: 5 blasts per micro E-Cell. A new micro E-cell can be exchanged in one round and can be recharged in 30 minutes in a recharger. Can also use a small E-Clip that gives 10 additional blasts
Cost: 25,000 credits

Mini Dartgun Finger: Inside of tip of finger is a dartgun that is propelled by compressed air. Weapon can fire either drugged or poisoned darts or can fire a tiny tracer device. Weapon is silent. Tracking devices can be detected up to ten miles (16 km) away and uses both magnetics and tiny spikes (like a burr) to attach to target. All drugs get saving throws.
Effects: varies by dart (Antibiotics: Reduces Infection. Paralysis: takes 1D4 Melee, lasts 2D6 minutes. Poison: takes 1D4 melee, inflicts 6D6 SDC/HP. Tranquilizer: takes 1D4 melee, lasts 4D6 minutes. Truth Serum: takes 2D6 minutes, lasts 4D6 minutes.)
Effective Range: 30 ft (9.1 meters)
Rate of Fire: One (counts as one attack)
Payload: One, It takes one melee to reload dartgun
Cost: 3,000 credits

Mini Chemical Sprayer Finger: Inside of the finger is a two shot chemical sprayer similar to the one that is built into the hand and arm but has a lower payload and range. The sprayer only has one canister that limits the sprayer to one type of Chemical. Sprays do not effect targets that are properly protected such as people in body armor.
Effects: varies by spray (Tear Gas/Mace: Causes impairment of vision, difficulty breathing, and skin irritation which causes the victim to be -10 to strike, parry and dodge. Tranquilizer/Sleep Spray: If victim fails their saving throw vs toxins [14+], they will fall asleep in 1D4 melee rounds and will remain asleep for 2D4 minutes.
Effective Range: 10 ft (3 meters)
Rate of Fire: Equal to Hand to Hand
Payload: 2 does of Chemical
Cost: 5,000 credits

High Explosive Finger Joints: Usually limited to the little finger because once finger joint has been detached and thrown, use of joint of the finger is no longer possible. Finger joints are available in both High Explosive and Plasma explosive.
Mega-Damage: 2D4 M.D for each joint section for High explosive and 2D6 for each joint section for plasma (Both have a 10 ft (3 meters) area of effect)
Effective Range: Thrown, about 100 feet (30.5 m)
Rate of Fire: Equal to attacks per melee.
Payload: Can have up to three per finger
Cost: 1000 credits per explosive joint, 3000 for entire finger.

Self Propelled Grenade Launcher Finger: Usually limited to the little finger because once last finger joint has been fired, use of the last joint of the finger is no longer possible. Grenades are available in both High Explosive and Plasma explosive.
Mega-Damage: 2D4 M.D for High explosive Grenades and 2D6 for Plasma grenades (Both have a 10 ft (3 meters) area of effect)
Effective Range: 50 feet (15.2 m)
Rate of Fire: One, another grenade can be fitted and fired in one melee attack.
Cost: 3000 Credits per finger. Grenades cost 1200 credits each.

Retractable Finger Blades: Two to three inch long, double-edged blades retract from the finger. Can be added to a finger in addition to other cybernetics (Cannot be combined with high explosive finger joint or self propelled grenade launcher finger)
S.D.C. Damage: 1D4 per each finger (plus P.S. bonus).
Cost: 1200 credits per each finger.

Razor fingernails: The the position of the persons fingernail are artificial razor sharp nails. They can be used in stabbing, clawing, or slashing attacks. It is not recommended to get Razor nails on all fingers. Can be added to a finger in addition to other cybernetics (Cannot be combined with high explosive finger joint or self propelled grenade launcher finger)
S.D.C. Damage: 1 per finger
Cost: 200 credits each

Neural Stunner Finger: the system is very similar to the one mounted in a Neural Mace but does not have the charge to continually stun the target and has a limited number of charges. Finger has special shielding to prevent the person using the neural stunner finger from being stunned by it.
Effect: Unconsciousness, -8 to Strike, Parry and Dodge for 2D4 Melees if save is made (Save 16 or Higher), must save each time hit, ineffective against full environmental body armor but effective against non fully environmental Armors.
Payload: 20 stuns per micro E-Cell. A new micro E-cell can be exchanged in one round and can be recharged in 30 minutes in a recharger. Can also use a small E-Clip that gives 40 additional stuns.
Cost: 5000 credits

Quick Change Finger Mounts: allows for the exchanging of various bionic fingers.
Cost: 500 Credits to modify hand, 100 Credits to modify finger.

[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.]

By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Copyright © 1997, Kitsune. All rights reserved.

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