The REEF has stored in their facilities a Hunter class destroyer that was acquired by Metalworks Inc. on a trip to Phase World. Metalworks allowed the REEF to study the ship and the REEF used many of the system that they were able to decipher when they designed the Knight class space corvette. These ships are very expensive so the REEF has only built them in very small numbers and it is unlikely they will construct any more unless they are trying to replace losses. While the ship has incredible firepower, the ships can be defeated by overwhelming number and they do not have the firepower of most of the ships of similar size within the Three Galaxies. Still, they are very impressive.
The basic hull of the ship is from the Southern Cross C.T.C. Combat Shuttle but has been extensively modified to the point that it is almost a different starship than the combat shuttle.
The propulsion of the ship is a mixture of different systems. For atmospheric flight, the Corvette retains the thrusters from the shuttle but adds the contra-grav propulsion system of the Hunter. This ship is one of the fastest vehicles ever built on Rifts Earth. The REEF was unable to copy the FTL portion of the Hunter so the ship is limited to in-system use
This ship has incredible defense and weaponry when compared to other Rifts Earth Vehicles, Orbital Community, and Robotech ships that are the same size. The ship carries variable shields copied from the Hunter class destroyers and is capable of stopping virtually all weapons on Rifts Earth although the shield is far less powerful that the system it is copied from. The main battery of the ship is two particle beams cannons that are also copied from the Hunter Class destroyer but are slightly larger than those on the Hunter and due to the huge power requirements, the ship can only power two of the cannons. Most of the other weapon systems are retained from the original shuttle but the Corvette has several extra rail guns. The corvette carries four laser cannon turrets, four rail gun turrets, and four missile launching turrets. The ship also retains the shuttles missile mounts on the hull of the CTC combat shuttle
The ship also has a radar system that is derived from the sensor suite from the Hunter. This system can cut through virtually all jamming system on Rifts Earth. The system is very expensive and is only mounted on these Corvettes, Florida Base itself, and the ARMD Platform.
Unlike the original shuttle design that the hull of the ship is based off of, the ship does not carry a large number of vehicles or troops but due to the fact that the ship might be required to operate further from base, the ship has good crew facilities although the facilities are cramped. The ship's cargo storage has also been greatly decreased and the ship cannot carry bombs as a result.
To be more accurate, this shuttle follows theoretical information about starships operating non chemical propulsion in space. This has meant much greater speeds and accelerations. Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the shuttle velocity.
Model Type: REEF-SFL-10
Class: In-System Space Corvette
Crew: 34
Troops: 12 Marines and 8 Logan Pilots
Vehicle Compliment:
4 | ADCAP Logan |
M.D.C. by location:
Forward Heavy Particle Beams (2): | 800 each | |
Laser Turrets (4): | 300 each | |
Rail Gun Turrets (4): | 300 each | |
Missile Turrets (4): | 300 each | |
[1] Main Engines (Rear): | 1,500 | |
[2] Reinforced Pilots Compartment/ Bridge: | 1,200 | |
Small Hatches (4): | 200 each | |
Tail Fins (3): | 400 each | |
Landing Gear (3): | 100 each | |
[3] Main Body: | 8,000 | |
[4] Variable Force Field: | 400 a side (2,400 Total) |
[1] If the Main engines are destroyed, the ship is limited to 10% of
normal using maneuvering if in space. If the ship is in an atmosphere,
the ship will crash. The crew may either attempt a crash landing or may
evacuate the ship.
[2] In reality this is how much damage needs to be done for a weapon
to hit the bridge through the ships armor. This ship does not have an auxiliary
bridge. Even if the bridge is destroyed, the ship can still be piloted
from engineering but the ship is -3 to dodge and all weapon systems will
be at local control. Weapon hits near the bridge that do not penetrate
the ships integrity can injure crew members on or near the bridge.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the starship down
completely, rendering it useless. Note: Lasers do half damage
[4] Shields positions can be varied and all could be combined in one
shield. Shields regenerate at the rate of 5% (120 MDC) per melee
Driving on the Ground: Not Possible.
Space Propulsion: Using the vehicle's anti-gravity system, the
vehicle can accelerate at up to 20 G.
Atmospheric Propulsion: Ship has had some minor redesigns to
facilitate better use in an atmosphere. Cruise speed is mach 3.2 (2462.4
mph/3962.9 kph) and due to the contragrav propulsion systems, the ship
can enter and leave the atmosphere under its own power.
Underwater Propulsion: Although it is not intended for underwater
use, the ship can operate underwater using brute force. Maximum speed is
100 mph (160 kph)
Maximum Range: Conditionally Unlimited, the anti-gravity system
requires no reaction mass. Carries about one year worth of supplies on
Statistical Data:
Length: 412 feet (125.6 meters)
Width: 120 feet (36.5 meters)
Height: 120 feet (36.5 meters)
Weight: 4550 tons (3131.4 metric tons).
Power System: Fusion reactor with a 20 year life
Cargo: Cargo bay can hold up to 40 tons worth of cargo. Each
enlisted crew member has a small locker for personal items and uniforms.
Ship's officers have more space for personal items. Most of the ship's
spaces are taken up by extra ammo, armor, troops, weapons, fighters, and
Market Cost: Never been sold, Costs around one billion credits
each to build.
Weapon Systems
Special Equipment:
The Corvette has all systems standard on a robot vehicle plus the following
special features:
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[ Robotech® is a registered trademark owned and licensed by Harmony
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By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Copyright © 1998, 2000, & 2001, Kitsune. All rights reserved.