Special modified NE-4 Plasma Pistol. It has been modified so that it can use ammon types other than standard plasma cartridges. It also has a permanent temporal pocket in the magazine that contains many extra rounds (200 rounds), a computer that will respond to verbal command to select ammo types and via a micro camera can identify most common Phase World and Rifts Earth vehicles and organisms, and has an integral laser targeting system. The weapon was designed by a Techno Wizard named Gadget.
Weight: 6 lbs (2.7 Kg)
Damage: Plasma Cartridge does 1D4x10 MDC, K-Hex Fragmentation
does 3D6 MDC to a 20 ft area, K-Hex Armor Piercing does 5D6 MDC to a 2
ft area, Solid Slug does 2D6x10 SDC, Flecette and Shot does 2D4x10 SDC
(Only requires a normal called shots to hit the heart), Shock-Tox does
2D6 SDC and has four separate injectors of knockout drugs that each (4
total saves) make the victim save vs Non-Lethal poison (16+), Neural Disruptor
does 2D6 SDC and acts as a Neural Mace with a single change (Cannot be
recharged), Immobilization Foam does 1D6 SDC and plus covers an area 4
ft in diameter and creates 3D6 MDC worth of foam to immobilize target,
Solvent does 1D6 SDC and will dissolve up to 4D6 MDC worth of Immobilizing
Foam, Knockout/Tear Gas does 2D6 SDC to target hit and releases a 6 ft
radius cloud of gas (Tear gas works unless protected and knockout needs
save vs Non-Lethal poison [16+]) that lasts for 1D4 minutes, Smoke does
2D6 SDC to target hit and releases a 10 ft radius cloud of smoke that has
a duration of 1D4 minutes, Flare does 1D6 MDC per minute but creates a
500 ft lighted area and is visible at 30 miles with a duration of 2 minutes,
Tracer Bug does 1D6 SDC and transmits a radio signal detectable at an 8
mile range (Has a TW Battery that give a 1 yr duration), special magical
(see writeup of Gadgets Magic Missile)
Rate of Fire: Standard
Maximum Effective Range: 500 ft (152 m)
Payload: 200 rounds
Bonuses: It has a laser targeting system (Gives +3 to Strike).
Market Cost: 200,000 Credits.
[Phase WorldTM and NuraniTM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda
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[Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and
Palladium Books Inc.]
By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Copyright © 1997, Kitsune. All rights reserved.