This powerful magical staff should be considered a Greatest Rune Weapon and is linked to a powerful magical castle know as "Castle Caoth". The staff is dark oak wood with a large white crystal on top (5" wide) with runes running down the length of the staff. Inside the crystal is a three dimensional image of the castle which is the appearance of the castle at the time. The staff is 6' tall and has a weight of 7 lbs. The staff is actually 4 parts put together. The staff can only be taken apart by the wielder of the staff and while as one piece it is indestructible. Each individual item has 200 M.D.C. when not joined together. When a person puts all the parts of the staff together, the weapon bonds to the person putting them together. The staff can then only be used by that person until that person dies and anybody other than her that touches the staff bare flesh will take large amounts of damage with no Saving Throw. The present wielder is Wizardess Marlene Le Fay. It gives the wielder the various abilities that are listed below.
The Staff of Caoth is of Scrupulous Alignment and will only bond to individuals with unprincipled, scrupulous, and of principled alignments.
IQ: 18 Communicates with wielder through limited telepathy
ME: 18
MA: 17
Like all Rune Weapons it is completely indestructible
The staff may be wielded as a Hand to Hand weapon that does 6D6 MDC
in Rifts to whatever it hits
Can be used to parry energy blasts at -6
Links to wielder within 6 months of constant contact
Gives wielder +1 on all saving throws.
Anyone other then the present wielder that touches the staff with bare hands will take 1D6 MDC or 2D6 SDC each melee round they are touching it
Special Abilities:
Wielder can tell if a person is Lying or telling the Truth. When the
wielder is concentrating on detecting lie or true, the castle will be surrounded
by thunder and lightning if the person is lying.
Spells available from the Staff:
The staff itself can be used to cast a variety of different spells
that are stored in the staff. The Staff has 1000 P.P.E. total but staff
can only be recharged at Castle Caoth. In the Castle, the magical energy
is recharged at the rate of 50 P.P.E. per hour. The spells are cast as
a mage at tenth level of experience.
First Level Spells: Blinding Flash (1), Globe of Daylight (2),
See Aura (6), Sense Evil (2), Sense Magic (4), and Thunderclap (4)
Second Level Spells: Befuddle (3), Detect Concealment (6), Levitation
(5), and Turn Dead (6)
Third Level Spells: Breath without Air (5), Energy Bolt (5),
Fingers of Wind (5), Float in Air (5), Impervious to Fire (5), and Invisibility:
Simple (6)
Fourth Level Spells: Cure Minor Disorders (10), Energy Field
(10), Magic Net (7), and Seal (7)
Fifth Level Spells: Calling (8), Energy Disruption (12), Eyes
of Thoth (8), Fly (15), Heal Wounds (10), and Sleep (10)
Sixth Level Spells: Call Lightning (15), Cure Illness (15),
Fire Ball (10), and Impervious to Energy (20)
Seventh Level Spells: Dispel Magic Barrier (20), Fly as the
Eagle (25), and Invisibility: Superior (20)
Eighth Level Spells: Negate Magic (30) and Stone to Flesh (30)
Ninth Level Spells: Curse: Phobia (40) and Water to Wine (40)
Tenth Level Spells: Banishment (65) and Mystic Portal (60)
Twelfth Level Spells: Summon & Control Rain (250) and Time
Hole (210)
Fourteenth Level Spells: Restoration (750) and Resurrection
Fifteenth Level Spells: Dimensional Portal (1000) and Teleport
Superior (600)
[ Rifts® is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.]
By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
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