The writeup is an expansion on the writeup in Rifter 2 by Mike Sumimoto.
In many ways, this weapon could be seen as the more powerful big brother of the Techno-Wizard Flaming Sword. The weapon is more powerful than the original flaming sword but has a shorter duration and requires more magical or psychic energy to power. As well, the weapon's effectiveness against vampires makes an ideal weapon to hunt vampires. The weapon has become especially popular with psychics who do not have the ability of psi-sword and with combat techno-wizards. As well, the weapon is very popular with techno-wizard vampire hunters, cyberknights, undead slayers, and other psychic vampire hunters.
The blade is basically the spell 'Light Blade' from an object instead of a spell casters hand and has all the bonuses and penalties with the spell. If the weapon is created by a low level techno-wizard (first through third level), the weapon's blade will be about the length of a short sword (2.5 feet / 0.8 meters) and be about as wide as a rapier (1 inch / 2.5 cm.) A mid level techno-wizard (fourth through ninth level) will make a weapon that resembles a bastard sword (3.75 feet long and 2.5 inches wide / 1.1 meters long and 6.4 cm wide.) A high level techno-wizard will create a weapon that is the length of a two handed sword (4.25 feet long / 1.3 meters) and have a blade about four inches (10 cm) wide. In all cases, the weapon's blade is weightless and easy to handle.
The weapon in its simplest form is a simple metal or wooden handle with a wide opening at one end with a large diamond imbedded inside. This is where the energy blade appears when the techno-wizard weapon is activated. Many weapon's handles are customized by their creators and are styled to like 'light sabers' from a famous Pre-Rifts movie series. The various styles are named after the various characters who used them. Some techno-wizard have even created a double blade version of the weapon after the weapon used by the main villain in one of the movies. This weapon is really just two light blade swords attached and requires double the energy to activate both blades. The double blade version is also notoriously dangerous to use.
Range: Hand to Hand
Duration: One (1) minute per level of experience of creator.
Mega-Damage: 1D4x10 + 1 point per level of experience of creator.
Against Vampires, Shadow Beasts, and other creatures vulnerable to
light, the light blade inflicts double damage (double damage to hit points
on vampires.) The weapon inflicts no damage to targets that are impervious
to energy.
Bonuses: Gives +1 to strike. Weapon can also be used to parry
energy blasts but gets no special bonuses to parry (Gets normal hand to
hand bonuses)
To Activate: 40 I.S.P. or Light Blade (20 P.P.E.)
P.P.E. to Create: 120
Spells Need to Create: Light Blade (20) and Globe of Daylight
Physical Requirements: Handle and two diamonds worth 1,000 credits
or greater each
Time to Create: 8d4 hours
Black Market Cost: 250,000 credits
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Writeup By Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune ).
Copyright © 2001, Kitsune. All rights reserved.